söndag 4 augusti 2013

Orks vs Tyranid Picture Batrep

Played a 1000 pts battle against the Tyranids, first time engaging them and it looked pretty awesome with both my rather large Ork army squaring off against a pretty damn large amount of nids.
I think he brought something like this
a flying hive tyrant, a few hive guard, possibly raveners, or they might have been proxied as hive guards, a big ol' pile of hormogaunts, a unit of genestealers and tervigon, and I think a tyrannofex (it stood in the back and shot at me, it was his warlord as well)

my list consisted of 2 units of 20 boyz (nob+bosspole & powerklaw...always!)
3 warbikes (Nob + powerklaw) , because they're fun and cool. and I had a few points to spend.
my warboss and 8 nobs, one with a klaw and one with a skorch/shoota, in a looted decked out looted wagon with 2 big shootas and a skorcha, to get those pesky swarms! Also my trusty Lootas, because they're so awesome.
I also tried out my dakkajet for the first time. I don't regret doing so at all!

the mission was The Relic. And he got first turn, moved up his hive tyrant right infron of my boyz, and then pretty much everything else just ran towards my line. The Hive tyrant came under a ton of fire as the boyz, lootas and even the warbikes lit up the sky, finally bringing the tyrant crashing down, it died instantly from the fall. 

my boyz then got pretty beat up and fought against these guys above, not really doing much more than killing one of them while losing quite a few in return.

the warbikes sped past the battle and into another set of three semi large Nids, probably hive guards with some sort of gun, the bikers didn't fare to well either sadly, but they at least lasted a few rounds, until the tervigon reached them...

my other boyz mob got charged by the genestealers, and got slaughtered and then overran as they tried to flee. Sad day to be a greenskin it seemed... Or not since they find it to be a good time whenever there's a propa' scrap!

My nob and warboss jumped out and took on the genestealers, killing quite a few with 2 skorchas and a few slugga rounds. And then managed to stomp out the rest in bloody melee.

my lootas, despite having a pretty darn good position didn't do very much, they fired at the gaunts mostly, and at the tervigon.

My killa kans avenged my other ork boy mob by shootin' and charging in melee with the hive guard (or whatever that was). My dakka jet also made it in and with a mighty waaagh it shredded the tervigon to pieces. my looted tank did 'Don't press dat!' and drove off towards the gaunts...without the warboss and his nobs inside, so they slogged towards the relic, and there was not really much that was going to stop them from taking and keeping it the next turn. And so my opponent conceded!
Ork victory! WAAAAAAGH!

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