lördag 3 augusti 2013

Orks vs Dark Angels Picture batrep

This is another battle I played shortly after the Pool table batrep, it was here it dawned on me what a disgusting death star I had built. (I used the exact same army list here).
I was going up against Dark Angel Space marines, consisting of a drop pod with Terminators and I think two tactical squads of space marines.

He did the mistake of dropping in right in front of my looted wagon full of warboss and nobs, and then proceeded to open fire on the lootas, killing pretty much everyone despite the mek boy'z cover save. even so they passed their morale check and on my turn the warboss and his nobs hopped out of the tank and smashed the poor terminators to bits.

he then had two units of space marines holed up in a ruin against pretty much my entire army of 40 boyz, an unscathed unit of warboss & nobs, 3 killa kans and like 2-3 lootas.
It wasn't really fun to play because it felt like I won only because of my army list, the moment his terminators died it was definitely over, and then it was just a slow slog until the Warboss reached the ruins basically.

I don't bring my 'death star' anymore unless I know the opposing player has the means to beat it, because it's just not fun to play with it.

I played another match after this, but I didn't take any pictures. I tried out my dark eldar vs Blood angels. And I got my arse handed to me for two big reasons. First off, I had only just begun collecting DE and just had 2 squads of kabalites, one squad of wyches, a raider and an archon. the BA had a stormraven gunship. it just tore through everything when it arrived (on turn 2). 

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