måndag 5 augusti 2013

Orks vs Necrons picture batrep

So this was right after my battle against the Nids, as he had a friend over from stockholm, I think, to play. I've never met Necrons before either and his list seemed pretty well kitted out to deal with Orks, lots of tesla and large blast templates. I forgot to take pictures beyond the initial turn one shots though so sorry for the lack of pics in this batrep.

(side note: I didn't have any proper loota models until recently so I used to proxy my burnas as lootas)

The first thin the Necrons did was fire two large blast weapons, one into my two boyz mobs each, killing eight boyz each in both, almost halving their number instantly, he then fired guns here and there but it feelt like a breeze compared to those two first shots!

my warbikers sped up on the right flank dakka guns blazing, and then charging into the immortals, killing them pretty easily. And the rest of my army kind of followed suit moving up and trying to shoot wherever possible.

the main problem I faced later on in the game was that I didn't have many high strength guns or good ap to deal with his many vehicles, my killa kans got hit constantly from turn 1 until they died. My warboss and Nobs did managed to kill a C'tan shard after two rounds of combat, he sort of just tossed it in against them to see what it could do. but it only had a 4+ invuln so in the end it took too many wounds to be able to save them all and died, I don't think it did that much damage back though.

but in the following round the necrons lit up the battle field with their superior firepower and mowed down so many orks that I didn't stand a chance of winning.
overall it was a good game, it was fun to play and I always enjoy meeting new people and battling new foes...even if they do have tesla weaponry!

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