Played a small 700 pts battle agains the Blood Angels, it was a smaller table and line of sight was pretty poor due to many small rocks jutting out of the ground.
I brought my warboss,nobs in a looted wagon combo, as always. My lootas, 20 boyz and 10 'ard boyz to protect my new Wierdboy (that I upgraded to a warphead for 30 pts so he could reroll his psychic power, because Orks cast a random power on a D6, and rolling 1 is bad).
My first mistake I did was bringing lootas to such a small battlefield with so much terrain blocking LOS, as they had to move up twice before they could do anything really, which meant two rounds of snapshots and getting really close to the enemy.
I put my 20 (shoota) boyz on the right flank, and before they could get around a particulary large rock, they got assaulted by... Assault marines, and I lost pretty badly because of the high number of attacks, but the boy held for at least one turn.
A tactical marine squad had moved up into some ruins in the centre, and my wierd boy and his 'ard boyz (or for fluffnes sake, mad boyz) headed in that general direction with some cover fire from my lootas. On the first turn he had gotten of a zzzap, killing a few marines, but as they fired their guns and psychic powers before charging I rolled a 1 on the wierd boyz psychic powers, luckily I had a reroll for just this occasion...
And I rolled another 1, blowing up half of the 'ard boyz (who had a 4+ armor, but the blast was ap 3) right before the charge. in which the rest of that unit got killed. Oh you, Orks!
My second mistake was putting the looted wagon on my left flank, because what I didn't see was that the way they went was a dead end for the tank, so the Boss and his nobs had to jump out and walk. Which hurt pretty badly as the pesky stormraven entered play and gunned pretty much everything down as the assault marines charged the lootas so they didn't even get a chance to shoot at the flyer.
The warboss and nobs did however get into close combat with the terminators and the librarian. That ended pretty badly as well however because the librarian had a force staff. using a psychic power to get it to strength 10 and he then spent is other force token to use the force weapons power to give it instant death. killing the warboss in one blow!
The nobs held out pretty good though and managed to down a few terminators before getting wiped out as well.
Blood Angels Victory!
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