So I brought my new and improved Dark Eldar with me this time against the Blood Angels for two sets of battles! I had to make some last minute changes because I had forgotten to take two Troops choices, so I scaled off a few points here and there and added 5 whyches with haywire grenades for some suicidal anti vehicle support. Other than that I had my Archon with agoniser, shadow field (2+ invuln, that goes away if he fails a save) and a Blaster, five Trueborn with 4 blasters and a splinter cannon (blasterborn!), 10 kabalites with a splinter cannon riding a Raider with flickerfield, splinter racks and night shields. And lastly 3 Reaver jet bikes, with cluster caltrops and a heat lance.
The Blood Angels brought an assault squad with a librarian, a squad of tactical marines with a plasma gun and cannon and a furioso dreadnaught.
In the first battle I managed to immobilize the Furioso after trying to hit it in the back like 3 times with the heat lance, so it stood there firing it guns for the rest of the combat. My raider got blown up but only 2 kabalites died in the blast, but then another four died to bolter and plasma fire and the squad fell back after failing their leadership test.
The assault marines got in a good position behind a large rock formation before jumping out towards the Blasterborn with my archon in it who had moved up a bit to fire at the tactical squad.
They managed to get off the assault killing 3 blasterborn with hammer of wrath and gunfire, and then the Librarian accepted my Archons challenge (he didn't know what the Archon could do apperantly) and the Archon got to hit first and with ws 7 and 4 attacks with ap 3, the librarian didn't even get to strike back before he was dead. I felt kinda bad that I didn't warn him about the fact that Archons are pretty mean in a duel before he accepted, but oh well, I'll take it as some sort of wierd cosmic vengeance for the force staff to my ork warboss's face!
They managed to get off the assault killing 3 blasterborn with hammer of wrath and gunfire, and then the Librarian accepted my Archons challenge (he didn't know what the Archon could do apperantly) and the Archon got to hit first and with ws 7 and 4 attacks with ap 3, the librarian didn't even get to strike back before he was dead. I felt kinda bad that I didn't warn him about the fact that Archons are pretty mean in a duel before he accepted, but oh well, I'll take it as some sort of wierd cosmic vengeance for the force staff to my ork warboss's face!
the assault marines however quickly killed the remaining trueborn and eventually the Archon as well, who rolled two 1's after taking 3 hits, putting him down to 1 remaining wound and no invulnerable save. I had also magically forgotten that the agoniser always wound on a 4+ instead of using his strength 3, that certainly didn't help him killing off assault marines before they could strike!
the Wyches got gunned down as they tried to assist the kabalites against the tactical marines, and then the kabalites got crushed between the tactical and assault marines, and that was that for the first game!
the Wyches got gunned down as they tried to assist the kabalites against the tactical marines, and then the kabalites got crushed between the tactical and assault marines, and that was that for the first game!
For the second match the blood angels decided to switch it up a bit and exchanged the assault marines for sanguinary guards instead! (from 10 assault marines to five sanguin's I think). I switched out my wyches for 5 kabalites with a splinter cannon.
I got first turn this time but he siezed the initiative, and just genreally moved up with his force. The plasma cannon opened up on the new kabalite squad, direct hit and killed all of them! On my turn I flung my reapers across the table, bladevanes killing 2 marines from the tactical squad, and then hid behind a rock in his deployment zone. my blasterborn and Archon moved up as well, and greeted the sanguinary guard with 5 blaster shots, killing two guards and putting a wound on the librarian! the Blood Angels would have been better off with 10 assault marines, because the 2+ armour save of sanguinary guard was wasted against the blasters ap 2 fire!
The Raider got in position behind a large rock (ther was a lot of them about!) and caught wind of the furioso, but the dark lance didn't manage to hurt it.
on the blood angel turn the tactical squad advanced into the ruins in the middle of the table, trying to shoot down the archon and his blasterborn, but the archon was the first model to take the hits from them, and he saved them all with his 2+ invuln! nasty!
the furioso moved up but failed its charge against the raider, luckily!
Then the Sanguinary guard charged the blasterborn, I got 3 sixes on the overwatch, and killed another 3! leaving only the librarian left to charge, and as before he didn't stand much chance against the Archon.
On my turn the reaver jet bikes swept back and in behind the furioso, hit it with the heat lance, and instantly blew it up!, the Raider swooped up and the kabalites within opened fire on the tactical squad, re-rolling to hit because of the splinter rack and ended up killing all but one marine. The pesky plasma cannon guy! He legged it out of the ruin, turned around on his turn and fire the plasma towards the Archon, scattered and hit the ruins he had just left. After that the blood angels conceded.
For the Emprah! taste plasma!
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