tisdag 6 augusti 2013

My Ork army, so far!

A snapped a couple of pictures before the latest battle of my entire army of Orks so far and this is what I got!

One of the earliest thing I got was Killa kans because they're super cool  and have ballistic skill 3, wohoo!
with AV 11 they're actually pretty good as the enemy has to direct its heavier weaponry towards them to bring them down, they only have two hull points each, but as there's three of them and they cost about 45-55 points each and roll in a walker squadron so it's really like having 6 hp... kind of!
despite only having weapon skill 2, they still hit on 4+ against most things, and do have strength 5 (x2 because they have dreadnought close combat weapons) and ap 2, so they're actually good to get stuck in with against some targets, especially if it's a unit that can't hurt them in melee (anything below strength 5!)

There's the good ol' looted tank that I bring as a transport for my warboss and nob bodyguard. I mainly picked it over a trukk because of AV 11 instead of 10, meaning measly bolter fire and the like can't glance it to death, it can also be kitted out with a boom gun if I feel like foot slogging my warlord and nuking stuff with the tank instead.
I have about 8-10 nobs and a pain boy but I usually just run 8 nobs with 'eavy armor, a skorcha/shoota kombi-weapon, one with a powerklaw to give it some more bite, and sometimes a whaaag banner because having a silly large amount of attacks hitting on 3+ and 3+ again on the charge (against MEQ) is pretty brutal, and then you add the powerklaw after that for mop up.
My warboss almost always have cybork body, 'eavy armor, a skorcha/shoota, powerklaw, attack squid and a boss pole. Sometimes I give him mega armour if I feel he needs it. which he will do against that pesky force staff... my tactic with these guys are simple. drive them up, lol at Don't press dat, jump out, fire the skorchas to kill stuff and then charge in and trample everything! WAAAAAGH!

I recently got a Wierdboy because psychic powers are fun, and even more so when they're random. Very Orky! I mainly wanted him to boost my army some and maybe give me a random Waaagh here and there, which can be super useful once my Dakkajet is out because it makes it fire twice as many shots.

I also have 10 lootas for fire support, very useful for dwindling down enemy units or taking out large targets and flyers, I don't ever NOT bring them because they're amazeballs.
I got 10 burnas that desperatly need a transport right now. they're kinda meh because of their small number and high cost, but right now they get to be the Wierdboyz bodyguard, their ability to turn their burnas to ap3 power weapons is nifty, so with the wierdboy they either get some ranged firepower from him, maybe a +1 attack or they could even get to deep strike mid mission. Could be good.

I have about 30 regular boyz, I usually run them on about 20 with a nob (powerklaw + bosspole is a must)

I got (so far) only 3 Ork warbikers, but I still love these guys. A bigger unit would be pretty great, altough kind of expensive, as these three, one of them being a powerklaw toting nob, cost almost as much as my Dakkajet!

I also just custom made two Big gunz. two Lobbas to be precise, but ironically enough I've only played them as kannons. because they have higher strength and ap, and are cheaper. But I will definitly run them someday as I meant to, as lobbas.

Last but not least (because I have a Blood Axe army), I have 10 Kommandos, with my home made Snikrot leading them. They're not that super great, but because of snikrot they're a good threat to enemy units who want to hang back, and because Snikrot is base strength 5 with around 5-6 attacks, and strength 6 on the charge, he can actually hurt tanks! and I always bring to kommandos with burnas, for either template use or power weapon support if they run into something nasty.

So that's my entire Ork army so far. Happy wargaming and feel free to leave suggestions and advice!

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