Now on to the Batrep!
So, my second Tournament battle was against the Orks Anders had just faced. Let's see if my small space marine army can survive the green tide of Da WAAAAGH!
We played the Scouring with deployment on the long table edges, The Orks won the roll off and elected that the Marines get first turn. Night fighting was on turn 1 as well.
my Army list for the tournament. <-
I deployed in the way I feel I SHOULD deploy this time (unlike in the last batrep, where I deployed like a total dumbass!), My Cenutrions in the centre, backing up my tactical squad and my honour guard.
Then my snipers deployed in a forest on my right, holding an objective and my Attack bikes on my left flank.
The Ork army I was facing included A warboss on a warbike with a power claw, cybork body and 'eavy armor (this is what I remember he had anyway). Two Deffdreads all kitted for melee. A Battle wagon full of shoota boys, a truck with 12 shoota boys, 10 gretchin with a mek with a shock attack gun, 8 lootas, a dakka jet and a single deffcopta.
A few more units than I field...
On turn 1 I dead great, the emperor was with me and we where chilling and shit!
My Drop pod landed in front of the warboss and battle wagon, after a long discussion and thinking I opted to shoot the battle wagon, instead of my intended target the Warboss. (I figured I could bring him to one wound, and if he charged my heavy flamer might finish him, and if not the ironclad would get to strike first).
But considering the battle wagon had a deff rolla and there was a deffcopta that could drive a rokkit in my rear armor, as well as a nearby deff dread. I figured I might have to go for first blood at least.
I shot the battle wagon, blowing it up. then I orbital bombarded, there where no real juicy targets so I shot it at the now disembarked Boys in a way that it would also hit the warboss. it was a direct hit and killed all but one shoota boy and put a wound on the warboss (dangit, I could have killed him!).
Next my centurions opened up and made scraps of the Deff Dread that was threatening my Ironclad Dreadbert.
My attack bikes single multimelta failed to do any harm (by missing) and the snipers did nothing of worth.
Orks turn 1 began and he moved his second Deff dread to his right flank, closely followed by the trukk.
The deffcopta swung around and took off a hull point of dreadbert, and the shock attack gun rollde double 2's allowing me to place the large blast. s4 isn't enough to really do much to his trukk/deff dread so I put it in the ruins on the lootas and killed one of them.
The warboss then charged and took another wound from overwatch due to the heavy flamer! He was now down to one wound but of course I totally failed to wound him in close combat and he killed poor dreadbert! Emperor, don't go! The battle has just begun! T__T
On my second turn I moved up my attack bikes to get within 12" of the Deff dread, to blow it up with the multimelta in Melta range. But of course I missed again!
The Centurions finished the job instead and wrecked it. My Drop pod failed to kill the lone Ork that actually passed his Ld test!
My tactical squad, holding on to an objective, fired their heavy bolter on the trukk but despite hitting with all three shots the trukk remained unscathed due to cover saves.
Snipers fired at the warboss, but failed to wound him. And the Honour guard simply moved up, trying to get to close combat.
The Orks Trukk moved up and spilled out Shoota boys near the attack bikes, the warboss also moved up into charge range of the honour guard, but was a bit hesitant to charge these elite warriros, especially since their champion has to declare/accept challenges meaning he would fight the warboss and possibly slay him.
Luckily the Dakka jet didn't appear on this turn.
instead the shock attack gun fired, direct hit and strength 7. killing every single Honour guard (two due to Look out sir!), leaving only the Chapter Master standing... Uh oh!
The warboss charged, my overwatch unfortunately missing. And since both struck on initiative 1, we pulped each other to death, in a pure epic fashion!
Then the shoota boys put a wound on the attack bikes, and then charged them. 2 heavy bolters, a multimelta and 3 twin-linked bolters managed to only kill one Ork on overwatch. Then they killed two Orks in melee, but lost an attack bike and another took a wound.
With only my tactical squad, snipers and centurinos left in the fight (attack bikes getting bogged down in ork boys and therefore kinda useless) I decided to move the Tac.Squad up towards the central objective (which was worth 4 points, they were sitting on a two pointer). They did in the process get their meltagun in range of the trukk so they made it explode.
centurions caught wind of the deffcopta, and split fired between it and the lootas. faling to wound the deffkopta but killing another loota (or two?). The Snipers decided to finish off the deffkopta and actually managed to do so!
Then the Orks retaliated with the dakkajet coming in on a mighty WAAAAAAGH!
Its guns chewing through most of the tactical squad, leaving about 4 marines standing. The Lootas finishing them off. Almost! one brave Marine was still standing.The Shock attack gun fired at the Centurions and managed to hit with strenght 8, killing one of them.
the fight of the boys vs the attack bikes ended with 0 wounds on both sides. What a stalemate! But it was more worth it for the Orks, tying up my fast attack so it couldn't move up and shoot at the shock attack gun.
The combined fire of the two centurions and the snipers flakk missile put two hull points off the dakka jet and immobilized it. The lone Tactical marine passed his Leadership test and moved up to cover in the centre.
The Dakka jeft flew on, and managed to kill 3 out of five scouts, killing the missile launcher!
The lootas then finished the job on the tactical marines, the boys killed the attack bikes, and the lone ork boy from the battle wagon hid behind a rock, claming an objective as well...
The shock attack gun once again hit the Centurions, but this time with a strength 6 shot, only causing one wound.
With not much left the centurions shot at the dakkajet, hoping to score a point for killing a fast attack before it moved off the board edge. It dove/dodged and didn't take the hits that got through. But we later read that Immobilized flyers can't evade so we recounted is as a kill.
the lone sniper tried to shoot the shock attack gun, but whiffed.
The ork boys moved towards another objective on my left flank, the one were my attack bikes deployed. the dakka jet flew of the board (and then we realized it was really dead!). the shock attack gun missed the centurions but the lootas killed the last scout. My Centurions moved up to try and stop the gretchin from scoring the central objective worth 4 points but fell an inch short from denying it, and failed to kill enough of them to stop them from reaching it! they would have had to kill two more, but alas one of the missiles scattered way off and Grav weapons only wound on a 6+ against opponents with no armour saves.
It was game over!
I had two centurions standing and I scored 4 points, 2 for killing two fast attacks (dakka jet and deffcopta), slay the warlord and First blood.
The Orks had a total of 13 points! from objectives held by the Gretchin, the lone Ork boy, the other ork boys, slay the warlord and linebreaker.
Good game that started out ridiculously well for me on turn one and then a few large blast ap2 shots later looked really grim, and then I lost with only two models still standing!
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