So this is how the first 40k battle me and a friend played, looked. No fancy terrain, very few finished models and it's not even 6th edition! We started playing 40k just before the 6h ed. rulebook came out, so we only got to read up on and play 5th once. Before that we were only playing Warhammer Fantasy but after getting a taste of the grim darkness of the far future we played less and less of Fantasy, until we pretty much abandoned it altogether in favour of 40k.
This is not much of a batrep, more of a nostalgic trip down memory lane. Geez it took me ages to put the final paint on my Warboss. I had learned from my mistake of trying to finish one model at a time, that only resulted in my fantasy armies having like 10-15 guys painted out of 50, to paint the whole army simaltenously instead, but doing only the basics and necessities first and then adding finishing touches later. It works a lot better for me, and I get an army that looks way better on the table than an army where the elite unit and the leader is painted and everything else is just unpainted or basecoated.
Anyways, the Space wolves took cover in the (card board) ruins as my Orks advanced with some cover. Not getting shot at too much thanks to the ruins being in the centre of the table.
some badass looking space wolf terminators getting charges by burnas and the warboss!
apperantly I ran my Boss with the burnas instead of the Nobs. the nobs were off on my left flank, dealing with some space wolf marines led by a termie with an autocannon, which he never got to fire! (no overwatch, woot woot!).
I think this ended in an Ork victory, but it was mostly a personal victory because it all led to so many more fun games of 40k. WAAAAAAGH!
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