My Dark Eldar consists of
Archon with an Agoniser, Shadow field and a Blaster
Haemonculus Ancient with a Hexrifle, Agoniser and a Liquifier gun.
2 units of 5 Trueborn, one with a splinter cannon and 4 Blasters - this is the Archons bodyguard.
The other five trueborns have 2 splinter cannons and 3 shardcarbines - this is the haemonculus bodyguard.
10 Kabalites with a splinter Cannon riding in a Raider with splinter racks, flickerfield, nightshields and torment grenade launchers.
5 Wyches, because I have to have 2 troops choices :c
Beastmasters, 3 Bm's, one with an agoniser, one Khymerae pack of 5, and then two packs of razorwings with 2 in each.
And finally 3 Reaver Jet bikes, with Cluster caltrops and I forgot to not bring a heat lance.
I deployed my Beastmaster on my left flank to counter the hordes of termagaunts and hormogaunts, and behind them the Reaver jetbikes. I then hid my Raider and Wyches behind the large rock outcrop in the centre. My two Trueborn squads got stuck on the right flank in the open, I didn't have the fear a lot of shooting coming my way, and I needed good fire lanes.
The horrific horde of Tyranids, from bottom to top included something like this:
Genestealers, Hive guard, Flying hive tyrant, hormogaunts, termagaunts and a tervigor.
Genestealers, Hive guard, Flying hive tyrant, hormogaunts, termagaunts and a tervigor.
Thos blobs of troops were pretty darn scary to be honest!
The Nids went first, rushing up towards the Dark Eldar position, the Hive Tyrant flying across the board, firing at the Archon and his squad. I had placed the Archon first to protect the unit with his 2+ save, as I didn't expect a lot of shots coming his way at turn 1. There wasn't a lot of shots but I still managed to roll a 1 and fail the shadow fields save, reducing him to the basic 5+ save from now on and losing a wound. Ouch!
On my first turn I flung the Reavers across the board over the hive guard, my thinking being that their s8 shots that need to LoS and ignores cover needed to die or they would get the reavers on the Nids next turn no matter what they did, but I whiffed on rolling the number of attacks, only getting 1 s6 attack and 2 s4. It did nothing against their high toughness so the reavers were pretty screwed.
My Raider moved up and filled the skies with splinter fire against the hive tyrant. wounding it and bringing it crashing down. It still lived but had only one wound left. My Haemonculus and his trueborn opened fire on the now walknig Hive Tyrant. An enormous amount of shots were fired (6 each from the splinter cannons and 3 each from the shardcarbines + the hexrifle)... And I failed to cause any more wounds!
The Beastmasters moved up an impressive 12" and then charged the hormogaunts. The close combat was pretty brutal, but I whiffed on the khymeras 4+ invuln so they all died, and then in my agony I completely forgot the 20 rending attacks from the razorwings and so I lost combat and the unit broke and got caught and oblitirated. Good first impressions from my Beastmasters!
On turn 2 my Archon fell to the Life leech of the hive tyrant! getting it back up to 3 wounds, Gross!
it then charged the Trueborn but only killed one of them and they held their ground, despite the loss of their glorious leader.
The hive guard blasted two of the three Reaves out of the sky but the third stubbornly held as well. At least sometimes it's a good thing to roll low numbers!
The hormogaunts and termagaunts surged forward, the termagaunts reaching the Relic as the Hormogaunts charged the 5 wyches. The combat was a bit surprising though, as the Wyches struck first and killed 6 Gaunts, the Gaunts had to kill them all to win combat, but only managed to kill 4 thanks to the Wyches 4+ Invuln in close combat (dodge!) and then the single Wych ran the remaining Gaunts down as they failed their break test, and therefore gained a pain token. Badass!
My Raider moved up and the Kabalites inside fired on the termagaunts holding the objective, trying to free it because I really really needed some victory points by now, having failed to kill the hive tyrant, get first blood or grab the relic! The Raider itself fired at the hive guard and managed to kill one of them.
My Haemonculus and Trueborn could not fire at the Hive tyrant as he was in close combat, so they chewed through the Genestealers who had been slogging it across the board towards them. the hail of fire left only two genestealers, who fled off the board.
My Reaver swooshed off to try and heat lance the Tervigon, but missed the gigantic target. Geez!
A sight a bit too familiar already, the Hive tyrant shoots and psyche the Haemonculus and his troops to near death, and then charges the remains. How different it all would have gone down if I only had managed to get one additional wound through on turn 1.
The Tervigon had spawned even more Termagaunts and again took the Relic. and the Hive guard put a hole in the Raider, leaving it with 2 hull points and a shaken crew.I think we forgot that it was open topped so it should have been one result worse though.
My last Trueborn died on my turn 3's close combat, the raider moved and fired again, I contemplated at shooting the Tervigon, but changed my mind and disembarked the Kabalites and moved them into position to kill a small unit of 5 termagaunts, killing them all and giving the Kabalites a pain token for a 5+ FNP. They're gonna need it!
the raider snapshotted at the hive guard but missed. I really didn't want them firing back because it would doom the Raider (well, I had already lost anyway, but still)
Well, to make a long story short, the Raider got wrecked about ten times over, and the Kabalites were slaughtered down to two men... Who stood their ground. Turn 5 came and with that I declared good game, and charged my two Kabalites at the termagaunts, one got shot in overwatch but the last one made it, and then died, as exptected, in close combat.
It was a really fun game, can't wait for the next one!
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