torsdag 15 augusti 2013

Warhammer Fantasy Pictures!

Found these in my external HDD. a couple of shots from a fantasy battle I playerd over a year ago.
My old, not-so-painted Lizardman army, against Orcs & Goblins.
It was a 2v2, with just Orcs & Goblins on one side, and my Lizardmen and a classmates Ogres on the other.

söndag 11 augusti 2013

My very first 40k battle! Orks vs Space Wolves (5th edition!)

So this is how the first 40k battle me and a friend played, looked. No fancy terrain, very few finished models and it's not even 6th edition! We started playing 40k just before the 6h ed. rulebook came out, so we only got to read up on and play 5th once. Before that we were only playing Warhammer Fantasy but after getting a taste of the grim darkness of the far future we played less and less of Fantasy, until we pretty much abandoned it altogether in favour of 40k.

This is not much of a batrep, more of a nostalgic trip down memory lane. Geez it took me ages to put the final paint on my Warboss. I had learned from my mistake of trying to finish one model at a time, that only resulted in my fantasy armies having like 10-15 guys painted out of 50, to paint the whole army simaltenously instead, but doing only the basics and necessities first and then adding finishing touches later. It works a lot better for me, and I get an army that looks way better on the table than an army where the elite unit and the leader is painted and everything else is just unpainted or basecoated.

Anyways, the Space wolves took cover in the (card board) ruins as my Orks advanced with some cover. Not getting shot at too much thanks to the ruins being in the centre of the table.

some badass looking space wolf terminators getting charges by burnas and the warboss!

apperantly I ran my Boss with the burnas instead of the Nobs. the nobs were off on my left flank, dealing with some space wolf marines led by a termie with an autocannon, which he never got to fire! (no overwatch, woot woot!).

I think this ended in an Ork victory, but it was mostly a personal victory because it all led to so many more fun games of 40k. WAAAAAAGH!

lördag 10 augusti 2013

Army List: 1000 pts of Orks

This is (unless I change my mind...again!) The list I will be playing with next week:

Warboss - Mega Armour, Attack Squig, Cybork Body, boss pole. = 130 pts

5 Nobs, 'Eavy Armour, 1 Power Klaw, 4 Big choppas, 5 Twin-linked Shootas, Waaagh Banner = 210 pts

1 Looted Tank, 2 rokkit launchas, red paint job. grot riggers, reinforced ram = 70 pts

30 shoota Boyz, 3 big shootas, Nob with Powerklaw+Boss pole, 'Eavy armor, shoota = 240 pts

2 Big gunz, Lobbas = 50 pts

Dakkajet, additional twin-linked supah shoota, flyboss, red paint job  =135

11 lootas - mek boy  = 165

1000 pts

As usual, my warboss and nobs go in the looted tank. The warboss got mega armour this time, I usually just go 'eavy armor and cybork body, and it's usually enough. But because of that Blood Angel librarian and his force staff I'm upgrading to lower chances of getting insta-killed.
The Nobs get some new gear as well, I usually just run all with 'eavy armour and one nob with a PK. This time they all get twin-linked shootas, and Big choppas (except the PK guy, he's solid). This will give them more firepower before an assault or in case they get assaulted somewhere down the line. And because the Warboss also has a twin-linked shoota, it'll be 12 s4 shots with re-rolls before the charge, that should put a tiny dent into whatever the target is. Especially if it's not MEQ's (marine equivalent).
They get one less attack in close combat though, so I might as well get em a big choppa then to make up for it. And a Waaagh-banner for +1 ws. On the charge with 5 nobs it'll still be 16 ws5, s7 attacks and 4 more which are ap2 and s9! And then you add the warboss to that mix with 6 attacks on the charge, ws6 because of the Waaagh-banner, s10, ap2 and they should chew through anything really. Heck I should win most challenges as well (I'm looking at you, Librarian!).

the Looted Tank got a slew of upgrades because I had a few points to spare. Normally I just give it two big shootas for fire support, and maybe a reinforced ram in case I need to go through terrain or 'Don't press dat' and involuntary go through it. This time I gave it 2 rokkits which could almost be better becaue the 2 big shootas normally don't do much, and this might at least take out an extra marine, or I could try to pop a tank or a transport to help my warboss out before an assault. Red paint job is nice because you really want to get stuck in, grot riggers can also help getting things moving again, unless it gets blown up first. Too bad it can't repair and start moving in the same turn...

I went full Waaagh-tard and brought 30 boyz this time, all with shootas and 3 big shootas for even more dakka, the Nob even got 'eavy armour because, again, I had points to spare. 

I'm also finally gonna try out the Lobbas, I read Ork Big Gunz are pretty good at lower points battles, and I'm generally just hoping for some fun with these guys. 

I was gonna try out another flyer, like the burna bomma, but since it's very anti (light) infantry focused, and everything else is as well... I'm gonna try it out some other time. Instead I brought the Dakkajet again, it's way more reliable, even if it only has s6 shots. (the other two planes can't even match that!)

11 lootas with a mek (10 lootas, 1 mek), for that 5+ cover save mostly. which is nice if you can't get it from the terrain in your deployment zone, and even if you can this just gives you some more freedom in the placement. I'm also a fan of the kustom mega-blasta, it's just too bad it doesn't have the same range as a Deff gun. but if thing get too close the lootas get to pack some extra punch to scare the enemy off with at least.


My Tactic is pretty Orky I suppose. Rush forward with covering dakka from the lootas, lobbas and the dakkajet. Get the Looted tank into the enemies tough guys, show them who's boss and then hopefully mop up everything that's left. 

thing that can go wrong, getting the looted tank stuck or blown up means foot slogging for da boss. which means a lot of incoming fire onto him and his nobs. Boyz alone won't save the day, their job is mainly to engage another unit to give the boss some space, and prevent stuff from getting to my fire support. 
Sure they can kill a lot of things, and put out a pretty insane amount of shots (54 shoota shots and 9 big shoota shots), and they're still good in close combat as well. One day I'm gonna do a whacky list and make a mob of 30 'Ard boyz (4 pts more per Boy, giving them a 4+ armour save), just for kicks. It will probably be a humongous waste of points.

We'll see, I need to try some less 'standard' lists soon. Because it's pretty fun to try out different lists!

onsdag 7 augusti 2013

Orks vs Chaos Space Marines with Daemon allies Picture Batrep!

This one's a really old batrep, so I've forgotten a lot of details I'm afraid.
Anyways, it's my beloved Orks against my buddy Caspers Csm+daemons!
On the top picture my lootas (burnas standing in as lootas, anyway) take up a pretty darn good position for raining dakka on the enemy.

The oh so brave Word bearer chaos space marines form a konga line behind their leader in his rhino as they begin the approach towards the Ork line.

My, at the time, only primed Ork warbikers dash out, coming near an archeotech ruin, triggering some toxic defence system that kills two bikers and puts a wound on the nob!
He then redeems the blunder somewhat by sniping the csm champion in the konga line with his dakka gun.

My boyz pour out to respond to the nasty threat of the Chaos, gleefully cheering as it looks like it could be a good scrappin' ahead! 

Pink horrors appear from the warp to join the fray, next to the herald of Tzeentch! ...

three flamers of tzeentch also materialize, but they do so next to the unit of boyz. Luckily they scatter and so their disgusting flame attacks don't do as much damage as they could have.
My warboss and Nobs decide to jump out the looted tank and mow down these pesky daemons before they cause any serious harm to my boyz.

the Chaos space marine Rhino approaches as the Nobs and warboss slay the Flamers. But as they're about to hop back into the looted tank...

The driver decides to Press dat'  and drives off, right into the main body of the enemy army. It is immediately destroyed on the csm's turn.  This is also really bad because my warboss was wearing Mega armour, giving him a 2+ save but also the Slow and purposeful special rule.

instead of charging into the soft and squishy (and very shooty!) Pink horrors, my warboss now has to fight the Warlord of the word bearers in a challenge instead!

My warboss slay the Chaos lord in single combat, only to be assailed with the combined firepower of the pink horrors and the chaos space marines.

The nobs slowly get whittled down from the shooting and the close combat that follows.
But the warlord stands firm, killing pink horrors and traitor marines left and right!

all by himself versus both marines and daemons? Not a problem if you're a super badass Ork warboss!
He actually kills them all eventually! He would probably had died if it wasn't for the brave warbiker nob who managed to kill the csm champion who had a powerfist, earlier in the game!


tisdag 6 augusti 2013

My Ork army, so far!

A snapped a couple of pictures before the latest battle of my entire army of Orks so far and this is what I got!

One of the earliest thing I got was Killa kans because they're super cool  and have ballistic skill 3, wohoo!
with AV 11 they're actually pretty good as the enemy has to direct its heavier weaponry towards them to bring them down, they only have two hull points each, but as there's three of them and they cost about 45-55 points each and roll in a walker squadron so it's really like having 6 hp... kind of!
despite only having weapon skill 2, they still hit on 4+ against most things, and do have strength 5 (x2 because they have dreadnought close combat weapons) and ap 2, so they're actually good to get stuck in with against some targets, especially if it's a unit that can't hurt them in melee (anything below strength 5!)

There's the good ol' looted tank that I bring as a transport for my warboss and nob bodyguard. I mainly picked it over a trukk because of AV 11 instead of 10, meaning measly bolter fire and the like can't glance it to death, it can also be kitted out with a boom gun if I feel like foot slogging my warlord and nuking stuff with the tank instead.
I have about 8-10 nobs and a pain boy but I usually just run 8 nobs with 'eavy armor, a skorcha/shoota kombi-weapon, one with a powerklaw to give it some more bite, and sometimes a whaaag banner because having a silly large amount of attacks hitting on 3+ and 3+ again on the charge (against MEQ) is pretty brutal, and then you add the powerklaw after that for mop up.
My warboss almost always have cybork body, 'eavy armor, a skorcha/shoota, powerklaw, attack squid and a boss pole. Sometimes I give him mega armour if I feel he needs it. which he will do against that pesky force staff... my tactic with these guys are simple. drive them up, lol at Don't press dat, jump out, fire the skorchas to kill stuff and then charge in and trample everything! WAAAAAGH!

I recently got a Wierdboy because psychic powers are fun, and even more so when they're random. Very Orky! I mainly wanted him to boost my army some and maybe give me a random Waaagh here and there, which can be super useful once my Dakkajet is out because it makes it fire twice as many shots.

I also have 10 lootas for fire support, very useful for dwindling down enemy units or taking out large targets and flyers, I don't ever NOT bring them because they're amazeballs.
I got 10 burnas that desperatly need a transport right now. they're kinda meh because of their small number and high cost, but right now they get to be the Wierdboyz bodyguard, their ability to turn their burnas to ap3 power weapons is nifty, so with the wierdboy they either get some ranged firepower from him, maybe a +1 attack or they could even get to deep strike mid mission. Could be good.

I have about 30 regular boyz, I usually run them on about 20 with a nob (powerklaw + bosspole is a must)

I got (so far) only 3 Ork warbikers, but I still love these guys. A bigger unit would be pretty great, altough kind of expensive, as these three, one of them being a powerklaw toting nob, cost almost as much as my Dakkajet!

I also just custom made two Big gunz. two Lobbas to be precise, but ironically enough I've only played them as kannons. because they have higher strength and ap, and are cheaper. But I will definitly run them someday as I meant to, as lobbas.

Last but not least (because I have a Blood Axe army), I have 10 Kommandos, with my home made Snikrot leading them. They're not that super great, but because of snikrot they're a good threat to enemy units who want to hang back, and because Snikrot is base strength 5 with around 5-6 attacks, and strength 6 on the charge, he can actually hurt tanks! and I always bring to kommandos with burnas, for either template use or power weapon support if they run into something nasty.

So that's my entire Ork army so far. Happy wargaming and feel free to leave suggestions and advice!

måndag 5 augusti 2013

2x Dark Eldar vs Blood Angels 600 pts picture batreps!

So I brought my new and improved Dark Eldar with me this time against the Blood Angels for two sets of battles! I had to make some last minute changes because I had forgotten to take two Troops choices, so I scaled off a few points here and there and added 5 whyches with haywire grenades for some suicidal anti vehicle support. Other than that I had my Archon with agoniser, shadow field (2+ invuln, that goes away if he fails a save) and a Blaster, five Trueborn with 4 blasters and a splinter cannon (blasterborn!), 10 kabalites with a splinter cannon riding a Raider with flickerfield, splinter racks and night shields. And lastly 3 Reaver jet bikes, with cluster caltrops and a heat lance.
The Blood Angels brought an assault squad with a librarian, a squad of tactical marines with a plasma gun and cannon and a furioso dreadnaught.

In the first battle I managed to immobilize the Furioso after trying to hit it in the back like 3 times with the heat lance, so it stood there firing it guns for the rest of the combat. My raider got blown up but only 2 kabalites died in the blast, but then another four died to bolter and plasma fire and the squad fell back after failing their leadership test.

The assault marines got in a good position behind a large rock formation before jumping out towards the Blasterborn with my archon in it who had moved up a bit to fire at the tactical squad.
They managed to get off the assault killing 3 blasterborn with hammer of wrath and gunfire, and then the Librarian accepted my Archons challenge (he didn't know what the Archon could do apperantly) and the Archon got to hit first and with ws 7 and 4 attacks with ap 3, the librarian didn't even get to strike back before he was dead. I felt kinda bad that I didn't warn him about the fact that Archons are pretty mean in a duel before he accepted, but oh well, I'll take it as some sort of wierd cosmic vengeance for the force staff to my ork warboss's face!

the assault marines however quickly killed the remaining trueborn and eventually the Archon as well, who rolled two 1's after taking 3 hits, putting him down to 1 remaining wound and no invulnerable save. I had also magically forgotten that the agoniser always wound on a 4+ instead of using his strength 3, that certainly didn't help him killing off assault marines before they could strike!
the Wyches got gunned down as they tried to assist the kabalites against the tactical marines, and then the kabalites got crushed between the tactical and assault marines, and that was that for the first game!

For the second match the blood angels decided to switch it up a bit and exchanged the assault marines for sanguinary guards instead! (from 10 assault marines to five sanguin's I think). I switched out my wyches for 5 kabalites with a splinter cannon. 

I got first turn this time but he siezed the initiative, and just genreally moved up with his force. The plasma cannon opened up on the new kabalite squad, direct hit and killed all of them! On my turn I flung my reapers across the table, bladevanes killing 2 marines from the tactical squad, and then hid behind a rock in his deployment zone. my blasterborn and Archon moved up as well, and greeted the sanguinary guard with 5 blaster shots, killing two guards and putting a wound on the librarian! the Blood Angels would have been better off with 10 assault marines, because the 2+ armour save of sanguinary guard was wasted against the blasters ap 2 fire! 

The Raider got in position behind a large rock (ther was a lot of them about!) and caught wind of the furioso, but the dark lance didn't manage to hurt it.

on the blood angel turn the tactical squad advanced into the ruins in the middle of the table, trying to shoot down the archon and his blasterborn, but the archon was the first model to take the hits from them, and he saved them all with his 2+ invuln! nasty!
the furioso moved up but failed its charge against the raider, luckily!
Then the Sanguinary guard charged the blasterborn, I got 3 sixes on the overwatch, and killed another 3! leaving only the librarian left to charge, and as before he didn't stand much chance against the Archon.

On my turn the reaver jet bikes swept back and in behind the furioso, hit it with the heat lance, and instantly blew it up!, the Raider swooped up and the kabalites within opened fire on the tactical squad, re-rolling to hit because of the splinter rack and ended up killing all but one marine. The pesky plasma cannon guy! He legged it out of the ruin, turned around on his turn and fire the plasma towards the Archon, scattered and hit the ruins he had just left. After that the blood angels conceded.

For the Emprah! taste plasma!

700 pts Orks vs Blood Angels Picture Batrep

Played a small 700 pts battle agains the Blood Angels, it was a smaller table and line of sight was pretty poor due to many small rocks jutting out of the ground. 

I brought my warboss,nobs in a looted wagon combo, as always. My lootas, 20 boyz and 10 'ard boyz to protect my new Wierdboy (that I upgraded to a warphead for 30 pts so he could reroll his psychic power, because Orks cast a random power on a D6, and rolling 1 is bad).

My first mistake I did was bringing lootas to such a small battlefield with so much terrain blocking LOS, as they had to move up twice before they could do anything really, which meant two rounds of snapshots and getting really close to the enemy.

I put my 20 (shoota) boyz on the right flank, and before they could get around a particulary large rock, they got assaulted by... Assault marines, and I lost pretty badly because of the high number of attacks, but the boy held for at least one turn.

A tactical marine squad had moved up into some ruins in the centre, and my wierd boy and his 'ard boyz (or for fluffnes sake, mad boyz) headed in that general direction with some cover fire from my lootas. On the first turn he had gotten of a zzzap, killing a few marines, but as they fired their guns and psychic powers before charging I rolled a 1 on the wierd boyz psychic powers, luckily I had a reroll for just this occasion...
And I rolled another 1, blowing up half of the 'ard boyz (who had a 4+ armor, but the blast was ap 3) right before the charge. in which the rest of that unit got killed. Oh you, Orks!

My second mistake was putting the looted wagon on my left flank, because what I didn't see was that the way they went was a dead end for the tank, so the Boss and his nobs had to jump out and walk. Which hurt pretty badly as the pesky stormraven entered play and gunned pretty much everything down as the assault marines charged the lootas so they didn't even get a chance to shoot at the flyer.
The warboss and nobs did however get into close combat with the terminators and the librarian. That ended pretty badly as well however because the librarian had a force staff. using a psychic power to get it to strength 10 and he then spent is other force token to use the force weapons power to give it instant death. killing the warboss in one blow!
The nobs held out pretty good though and managed to down a few terminators before getting wiped out as well.

Blood Angels Victory!

Infinity - my Ariadna Kazaks!

Here's my work in progress of my Infinity Ariadna force.
It consists of 2 veteran kazaks, one with an hmg and the other has an AP rifle I think, one Scout with an Ojotnik sniper rifle, I use the Intel spec-ops guy as a Moblot medic, and then I have an additional Moblot with a rifle and light shotgun. So despite Ariadna being a faction that can field many cheap units I do not, and instead I focus on a small but heavily armed and armoured team. My inspiration for picking this team came mainly from playing (and reading the book) Metro 2033 and Metro Last light.
I've yet to play a game of infinity, though I know two other players, one PanOceania and the other guy plays as Haqqislam. Can't wait to get a few games started!

Orks vs Necrons picture batrep

So this was right after my battle against the Nids, as he had a friend over from stockholm, I think, to play. I've never met Necrons before either and his list seemed pretty well kitted out to deal with Orks, lots of tesla and large blast templates. I forgot to take pictures beyond the initial turn one shots though so sorry for the lack of pics in this batrep.

(side note: I didn't have any proper loota models until recently so I used to proxy my burnas as lootas)

The first thin the Necrons did was fire two large blast weapons, one into my two boyz mobs each, killing eight boyz each in both, almost halving their number instantly, he then fired guns here and there but it feelt like a breeze compared to those two first shots!

my warbikers sped up on the right flank dakka guns blazing, and then charging into the immortals, killing them pretty easily. And the rest of my army kind of followed suit moving up and trying to shoot wherever possible.

the main problem I faced later on in the game was that I didn't have many high strength guns or good ap to deal with his many vehicles, my killa kans got hit constantly from turn 1 until they died. My warboss and Nobs did managed to kill a C'tan shard after two rounds of combat, he sort of just tossed it in against them to see what it could do. but it only had a 4+ invuln so in the end it took too many wounds to be able to save them all and died, I don't think it did that much damage back though.

but in the following round the necrons lit up the battle field with their superior firepower and mowed down so many orks that I didn't stand a chance of winning.
overall it was a good game, it was fun to play and I always enjoy meeting new people and battling new foes...even if they do have tesla weaponry!

söndag 4 augusti 2013

Orks vs Tyranid Picture Batrep

Played a 1000 pts battle against the Tyranids, first time engaging them and it looked pretty awesome with both my rather large Ork army squaring off against a pretty damn large amount of nids.
I think he brought something like this
a flying hive tyrant, a few hive guard, possibly raveners, or they might have been proxied as hive guards, a big ol' pile of hormogaunts, a unit of genestealers and tervigon, and I think a tyrannofex (it stood in the back and shot at me, it was his warlord as well)

my list consisted of 2 units of 20 boyz (nob+bosspole & powerklaw...always!)
3 warbikes (Nob + powerklaw) , because they're fun and cool. and I had a few points to spend.
my warboss and 8 nobs, one with a klaw and one with a skorch/shoota, in a looted decked out looted wagon with 2 big shootas and a skorcha, to get those pesky swarms! Also my trusty Lootas, because they're so awesome.
I also tried out my dakkajet for the first time. I don't regret doing so at all!

the mission was The Relic. And he got first turn, moved up his hive tyrant right infron of my boyz, and then pretty much everything else just ran towards my line. The Hive tyrant came under a ton of fire as the boyz, lootas and even the warbikes lit up the sky, finally bringing the tyrant crashing down, it died instantly from the fall. 

my boyz then got pretty beat up and fought against these guys above, not really doing much more than killing one of them while losing quite a few in return.

the warbikes sped past the battle and into another set of three semi large Nids, probably hive guards with some sort of gun, the bikers didn't fare to well either sadly, but they at least lasted a few rounds, until the tervigon reached them...

my other boyz mob got charged by the genestealers, and got slaughtered and then overran as they tried to flee. Sad day to be a greenskin it seemed... Or not since they find it to be a good time whenever there's a propa' scrap!

My nob and warboss jumped out and took on the genestealers, killing quite a few with 2 skorchas and a few slugga rounds. And then managed to stomp out the rest in bloody melee.

my lootas, despite having a pretty darn good position didn't do very much, they fired at the gaunts mostly, and at the tervigon.

My killa kans avenged my other ork boy mob by shootin' and charging in melee with the hive guard (or whatever that was). My dakka jet also made it in and with a mighty waaagh it shredded the tervigon to pieces. my looted tank did 'Don't press dat!' and drove off towards the gaunts...without the warboss and his nobs inside, so they slogged towards the relic, and there was not really much that was going to stop them from taking and keeping it the next turn. And so my opponent conceded!
Ork victory! WAAAAAAGH!

lördag 3 augusti 2013

Orks vs Dark Angels Picture batrep

This is another battle I played shortly after the Pool table batrep, it was here it dawned on me what a disgusting death star I had built. (I used the exact same army list here).
I was going up against Dark Angel Space marines, consisting of a drop pod with Terminators and I think two tactical squads of space marines.

He did the mistake of dropping in right in front of my looted wagon full of warboss and nobs, and then proceeded to open fire on the lootas, killing pretty much everyone despite the mek boy'z cover save. even so they passed their morale check and on my turn the warboss and his nobs hopped out of the tank and smashed the poor terminators to bits.

he then had two units of space marines holed up in a ruin against pretty much my entire army of 40 boyz, an unscathed unit of warboss & nobs, 3 killa kans and like 2-3 lootas.
It wasn't really fun to play because it felt like I won only because of my army list, the moment his terminators died it was definitely over, and then it was just a slow slog until the Warboss reached the ruins basically.

I don't bring my 'death star' anymore unless I know the opposing player has the means to beat it, because it's just not fun to play with it.

I played another match after this, but I didn't take any pictures. I tried out my dark eldar vs Blood angels. And I got my arse handed to me for two big reasons. First off, I had only just begun collecting DE and just had 2 squads of kabalites, one squad of wyches, a raider and an archon. the BA had a stormraven gunship. it just tore through everything when it arrived (on turn 2).