onsdag 26 mars 2014

If I was to play Tau. Skimmerbonanza!

15 Pirhanas
2 Devilfishes APC's
and 2 hammerheads (accidental skyrays in picture)

the APC's will of course contain firewarriors and an HQ choice to make this skimmerfest a legal army to play.

tisdag 18 mars 2014

White Templar progress #2

At first I painted all the loin cloth thingies white (building up from brown, while the armor goes from black to grey to white).

But later I realized they should be black, if they should be reverse colours from Black Templars. Also it looks a lot better as there isn't really that much black on the models, but a ton of white.

I switched the power sword to a power axe, +1s and ap2 is a better buff and he will likely survive until he gets to strike so it's all good.

Still thinking of switching the plasma gun to a melta gun or a flamer.


måndag 17 mars 2014

White Templars progress #1

So I started work on my White Templars, here's the Captain...

...Well, here he is, I switched out his torso and helmet. SO much better!

Here's the Crusader squad...

After I primed them I (of course) changed my mind. One thing that makes Crusader squads unique is the ability to go chainsword+bolt pistol instead of just Bolter so I switched out all their arms!
I even had to fix an extra left arm from a pair of arms meant for the gunner on an attack bike to make it work with the bits I had. 

Then I finally repainted their arms and started giving them some colour.
Of course on the first guy I did the shoulder pad all wrong, carefully filling in the trim with black. Only to then realize it should be white...

Switched the heavy weapon for a power sword (same amount of points!) for some extra punch in melee.
What's extra juicy is that because that guy isn't a character like the sergeant, he can't be challenged out and dealt with! Nifty.

White Templars. A bunch of total badasses, and quite literally the reverse colour scheme of the Black Templars.


måndag 10 mars 2014

Clan Foraks new Allies: The White Templars!

For some time now I wasn't quite happy with having a home-made Tech marine
So I started thinking of how to make him into a Captain instead, and if so what weapons he should bring.

Theeeen I started thinking maybe I wanted to be able to use the Relics from the main Space marine book. Which I can't with Clan Raukaan. And also if I had another chapter my Marines wouldn't be all black and retardedly boring to paint. So I was looking up if I could ally Raukaan with 'vanilla' Iron hands so I wouldn't have to keep track of two different chapter tactics, and also I could then tackle painting Brazen claws. That would be a cool dream/nightmare to paint but it would look really cool.
But you can't ally like that because they have the same chapter tactic. Bummer.

This Allied Detachment will consist of a Captain, 5 Sternguard and a tactical squad.

So I started looking at other successor chapters and chapter tactics, because I didn't want to pick one of the way too common founding chapters. Some that I like the most are the Silver skulls, Storm lords and yeah...Brazen claws. But looking at chapter tactics Storm lords use the White scars one and that won't benefint me more than to give me hit & run. Sortof not worth it. Silver skulls could be quite good because of the Ultramarine chapter tactics. Well, at least the tactical squad doctrine.

Then I started looking at Black Templars. Now I do like their feel and their chapter tactics a lot. In fact it was one of the possible chapters I chose from when beginning to play Space marines. But they are also nearly entirely clad in black so I googled to see if they had any successor chapters. Two were rumoured to be of Black Templar descent. The Red Templars and the White Templars. Now I didn't want red space marines, it just looks like blood angels, but the White templars would contrast nicely with my Iron hands without looking too far off, being almost exactly reversed in colours!

Then a thought hit me that sealed the deal. Black templars (or White ones in my case) have access to crusader squads and 3 characters! As an Iron hands player I have access to zero special characters, and what I like about IC's is those that either switches around unit types or gives buffs to the army. And bott IC's of the Black Templars do give buffs, and the Emperors Champion is just a total badass.

Altough Black templars are reknown for being an assault oriented army and I'm building a more shooty army with my Iron hands I thought this might be a bad idea too. But after reading a lot of tactica and stuff about the 6th ed Black templars it seems they are quite good as a shooty army now as well.
For example, unlike the other vanilla space marines, Black templars can take a 5 man crusader squad and still have both a heavy and a special weapon. As well as a combi-weapon on the sword brother (their sergeant). That's a lot of firepower on a small squad.
And in the other direction they can take a Crusader squad with 10 space marines and 10 scouts (initiates and neophytes), for a rather cheap price, if you don't equip them for close combat they are a formidable unit to bunker down on obectives with, heck they're good at that even if they only have bolt pistols and chainswords.

So White Templars it is! They have almost no fluff what-so-ever apart from their homeworld being Sanctum.
So my guys are a Crusading Templar chapter that focuses more on ranged combat.


fredag 7 mars 2014

Maximum Raukaan!

So I wanted to try to maximize the benefits of Clan Raukaan in an army list. What they do is that they can put Dreadnoughts of any kind as Elite or Heavy, they can also field two techmarines for pretty much any HQ and three for a Master of the forge.

Now the Master of the forge also grants the ability to field dreads as elite/heavy but I brought one anyway because it fits the whole Iron hands theme, but you can just substitute him for something else. Altough in a shooty list the conversion beamer is pretty much the only long range weapon the HQ's can have.

Onto the list!

1 Captain with artificier armour, Traitors bane and a storm shield.
a five man Command squad with an apothecary and company champion, 3 grav-guns, riding in a Razorback.
This is my warlord in his sweet ride. Would have been nice to fit a Techmarine in the razorback as well, but he just won't fit!

1 Master of the forge with the conversion beamer and the Ironstone.
Sitting back and holding the line, repairing walkers and buffing their IWND, and blasting fools with the conversion beamer.

4 Techmarines, all with the Servo harness. I could go for 5 but I don't see it as necessary.
Sprinkle them around the army to repair vehicles, sticking some in the tactical squads to buff their combat abilities some with their weaponry and 2+ armour.

2 Dreads with assault cannons and power fists. following the Rhino or the captains razorback around as bodyguards.

2 Ironclad dreads in drop pods, with 2 hunter-killer missiles. Dropping down on the enemy to take out their heavy vehicles.

1 ten man sternguard veteran squad in a drop pod, loaded with combi-flamers and heavy flamer, dropping in on turn 2 or later to clean up infantry. (and allow me to alpha strike the two ironclads on turn 1)

3 nine man tactical squads, plasma gun and sitting in Rhinos. Nine in size so the Techmarines can fit in there.

1 Stormtalon gunship with Typhoon missile launcher. To come in and shoot stuff or provide AA support.

3 more dreads, two with twin-linked autocannons on both arms,  Venerable so they don't blow up as easy
and one of them with a missile launchers and plasma cannon for some blasting, extra armour to stop it from being stunned.

so that's 7 dread, 2 dropping down turn 1 to cause havoc and 5 to stand back and light the enemy up!
lots of techmarines to keep everything alive and a solid core of tactical marines in transports to take and hold objectives. The sternguards should help taking enemy held objectives as well!

Pretty gross. And to be honest, kind of one sided and boring to collect (unless you're REALLY into painting dreadnoughts) And if you want to go for a better shooty list I'd suggest thunderfire cannons, devestators and devestator centurions instead of all dreads.

For the emperor!

tisdag 4 mars 2014

An update on painting my Iron hands

Yesterday I was browsing through the successor chapters of the Iron hands, because nigh all black isn't that exciting when colouring. But I only really liked the Brazen claws and Sons of medusa. But I'm not that keen on an all green space marine army, or painting the half red half blue pattern of the brazen claws either.

I had seen some artworks were the Iron hands shoulder pads had metal coloured trims and I decided to try that out as you can see below:

I think it really lifted the look of the Iron hands, contrasting against the black armour nicely, making them look more painted and less 'just primed in black'.

Don't think I've posted pictures of my chapter master painted before so here he is!
I'm thinking of turning the cloak grey or something as I think it adds too much blue-
and the plasma pistols glow looks more like it's been dipped in goo. Eew!

added some more paint splashes to my centurion devestators as well, mostly the blue spot colours, and some glow on the grav-cannon and grav amps (also blue). The grav weapons glow green on most pictures in the codex but in my mind that will always be the colour of plasma.

Sternguards assembled! This guy is packing grenades all round his belt! xD
Might help me to remember I can use them... But it probably won't.

My 1250 pts Tourney list for Clan Raukaan

Clan Forak of the Iron hands (clan Raukaan supplement) 

Chapter Master
Artificier armor 
Axe of Medusa 
Plasma pistol = 190 pts 

5 Honour guard 
chapter banner, 4 power swords, 1 power axe =160 

Ironclad Dreadnaught + Drop pod
2 Hunter-killer missiles
heavy flamer, meltagun = 200 

5 Scouts 
4 sniper rifles 
1 missile launcher with flakk = 84

10 Tactical Squad Space Marines 
Sergeant with grav pistol, chainsword, meltabombs 
1 Heavy bolter, 1 meltagun =180

3 Attack bikes 
2 Heavy Bolter, 1 multimelta = 145 

3 Devestator Centurions 
3 chest missile launchers 2 Grav cannons with grav-amp 
Centurion sergeant, Omniscope, Twin-linked Lascannon

As far as competetive lists go, I'm fairly sure this is the least competetive one ever. Or at least in our tourney.
The only real aces are the ironclad suicide drop, the foot-slogging chapter master, and the three devestator centurions...

Chaos Space Marines vs. Iron hands (Clan Raukaan) Tournament batrep 1250pts

The emperors will and deplpyment on the short table edges. I've actually never rolled that deployment until now, which is kind of crazy.

my tournament army list can be found Here

The CSM player, Kim, brought a cool black/purple painted army containing a Bastion with the long range las cannon thingy, 10 havocs with 2 missile launchers and 2 las-cannons, a chaos space marine Lord, two units of 10 cultists, one of them sitting in a Rhino and the other on foot, a predator with a tl-las cannon, two heavy bolters and a havoc launcher, 10 raptors with 2 flamers,
5 terminators with mark of nurgle and a chaos sorcerer in terminator armour, the sorcerer was his warlord as well. Quite the bodyguard he got there!

He got first turn and moved his predator and rhino up on his right flank, the Sorceror and his bodyguard moving along his left flank.
the bastion fired at the centurions and managed to wound one of them.
Not much else he could do due to how far apart our armies where at this point

my scouts shuffled around a bit in the ruin to the missile launcher could get LoS on the tanks approaching and the attack bikes sped forward to try and get into range with the multimelta.
On my right flank I moved my chapter master and his honour guard up followed by the centurions.

My drop pod-ing Ironclad dreadbert had a bit of a conundrum. He wouldn't do much against the terminators with his ap3 weaponry so the only viable targets were the predator tank or going after the cultists hodling the objective on the CSM deployment.
I decided to land near the cultists and let them feel the warmth of my heavy flamer and meltagun. Deciding to hold back the hunter-killer missiles in case it would survive a turn. That was a bad mistake! I killed all but one lousy cultist, and to add insult to injury he passed his leadership test!

the chaos space marines returned the favour by blowing up the Ironclad and his drop pod.
they also fired on the attack bikes and scouts but both made their cover saves, and a scout even made his 6+ Feel no pain roll.

On my turn I decided it was time to drop some orbital bombardment on the Chaos sorcerer and his retinue.
A strength 10 ap1 hit would decimate them, but alas it scattered almost 11 inches off target.

the sorcerer cast hallucination on my chapter master and his squad, and made them unable to shoot, run and charge or strike in melee! Yikes!
other than that it was another amazing round of making 5+ jink saves with the attack bikes and 4+ cover saves with the scouts in the ruin, but I think I lost one or two scouts eventually.

Being rid of the hallucination I had two options, charge with the honour guard & chapter master or play it safe and stay in cover and hope the centurions could take care of the terminators and sorcerer.
I decided to play it safe because that bastion full of havocs had their eye on my warlord for sure!
The centurions opened up and killed two terminators and managed 2 wounds on the sorcerer, who apperantly only has two wounds, so a slay the warlord for me so the score for now was equal.

two nurgle terminators remains, luckily for them the sorcerer left them with a parting gift of fearless.

a bit of a consolation for Kim was that I forgot to move my attack bikes so they wouldn't get any jink saves this turn, I think I got a bit carried away with the centurions.

still they managed to wither the storm kinda good, only taking one wound, and then killing two raptors in overwatch, making them fail their charge!

the Centurions took another wound, but I had accidentaly shifted them around when moving so the guy who previously took  a wound was actually in the back, so no casualties!

My centurions split fire between the bastion and the remaining terminators, killing the nurgle infested tactical dreadnought wearing traitors easily, and the twin linked lascannon managed to kill a guy inside the bastion.

The Raptors closed in real good on my attack bikes, and this time easuly made the charge. 
They only managed to get one wound through though, and that was with their hammer of wrath attacks!
in return they lost one of their own, ending the assault in a stalemate.

Night fighting came on on turn 5, which was mostly good for me. my only ranged unit having night fighting from the omniscope. I decided to split fire, making one of my centurions fire on the Rhino and the other two on the bastion. I managed to immobilize the Rhino and kill another guy inside the bastion.

My chapter master and his bodyguard moved up to the next cover, just barely managing a short sprint into the safety of a ruin.

the attack bikes vs raptor fight went on and the attack bikes killed two more raptors but the raptors morale held, even though they didn't get a single wound through. 

the cultists jumped out of the rhino and moved to helt the raptors, but a crater was in the way for them to get a good charge in this turn.

the chaos predator tank moved up and did its best to kille the scouts, felling one of the surprisingly durable snipers. (seriously, I rolled cover and FNP saves like a God Emperor!)

The raptors lost another of their kin without inflicting a wound on the attack bikes and finally broke morale and fled. Only for the Cultists to take their place. Which was really bad for me because that multimelta would have been really nice to get a shot off behind the predator tank!
the bastion and its inhabitants fired upon the honour guard but 2+ armour saves and cover saves were made with great success, not losing a single honour guard.

On my turn I realized I had an opportunity to get another victory point by risking my chapter master and honour guard out in the open, running across for his deployment zone. I took it and moved out of the cover and with the run move, coming about half an inch short! If the game would go on for another turn and my elite warriors would survive another turn of shooting, I could win this!

My Centurions did their best to work the bastion, grav-cannons being useless against buildings.
They only managed to kill another guy inside the bastion, not really reducing their damage output by any noticeable amount. I did do the desperate mistake of split firing and trying to kill the cultist on top of the building but his cover save was way too good.

The bastion and its occupants opened fire on the Honour guard, killing four of them!
Luckily I made my leadership test and so stood my ground, a single honour guard and the Chaper master left standing.

I was getting worried that his forces on the other flank would start to get to my tactical marines in the back that were holding on to my objective (and in doing so, not even firing a single bolter round!)
but the attack bikes and scouts held firm despite the overwhelming odds.

I managed to move into his deployment, and even rolled a decent run distance, making it into cover, should the game go on for yet another turn. 

My centurions fired at the bastion again, all to protect my chapter master and that one deciding victory point he could bring me!
the lascannon did a pen this time, and then I rolled a 5 on the building damage table, being +1 thanks to ap2 it had the result of a structural collapse, killing almost everyone inside and wounding the chaos lord operating the icarus lascannon on the roof, altough the cultist managed to survive the fall.

And with that the game ended, 5-4 to Clan Raukaan.


It was a fun game that I think could have gone very differently had I not had insane luck with the dice, or if I had managed to kill all the cultists on turn 1. That 6+ FNP might not be much to write home about but it sure feels nice to get to roll another save, and it feels even better when you roll a six on that save.