onsdag 5 februari 2014

New ideas for an Iron hands 3k wishlist!

Did I say I was gonna change my mind a few times? I sure did!

New ideas.

10 honour guard instead of 5, riding in a Land Raider redeemer (the one with flamers). it can hold both the honour guard and Chapter master and a Master of the forge, who I will give the Ironstone making the Land raider pass IWND's on a 4+
The Land Raider is heavily armoured and armed, as well as being an assault vehicle. Meaning my melee masters can get out and charge the enemy when the LR is close, for maximum protection. Also 10 honour guards instead of 5 means they will stick around even longer, even if I roll a lot of 1's...

Also the Redeemer is 10 pts cheaper than the other Raiders, not having the TL-lascannons of the original Raider, but instead two ap3 s6 flamers. those 10 pts will be spent on a multimelta as well. So it can certainly pop vehicles as it gets in there!

I would probably have chosen the Lascannon Land Raider but it only has a transport capacity of 10. Meaning I can't take a full honour guard squad if I want to bring my Chapter Master along, or the Master of the forge. Most of the time the Master of the forge will probably stay in the vehicle to keep it alive (being able to repair it on top of boosting its It will not die roll should be worth it!), but in more of a crisis that dude can certainly hop out and help in close combat as well!

I've scrapped the idea of a librarian and assault marines, as well as the command squad. My army needs to be more about firepower. I've also dropped the two extra dreads for two Whirlwind tanks to barrage/ordnance bomb my enemies with s5 large blasts. 65 pts each instead of over a 100 pts for a dread and they don't even require line of sight to fire, which means I can hide them behind stuff in my deployment zone.

freeing up a lot of points lets me take two rhinos for my tactical squads, and since my Chapter master is chillaxing in a Land Raider at this points value I'll get 5-6 Sternguard veterans to ride in the Razorback I got, they can drive up and put some pressure on the enemy with the TL-Lascannon and they sternguards special ammo.

also 5 scouts in a land speeder storm should be good to protect from deep striking units, last game (not posted yet!) my Centurions bit the dust due to a deep striking unit getting the upper hand on them.

That makes this list pretty vehicle heavy (at least for being a list from me) with 2 Rhinos, a Razorback, 2 Whirlwinds, a Land speeder Storm, a drop podded Ironclad Dreadnought, Stormtalon gunship and the moving fortress of a Land Raider Redeemer.

Still want more dreads though. and about everything else in the damn codex xD


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