Hello everyone, today I'm taking a look at all the artefacts/relics avalibale to Iron Hands Clan Raukaan, called Gifts of the gorgon and sharing my thoughts on them.
first of is the Mindforge stave
now, this replaces the librarians (the only ones who can take this) force weapon for 15 points.
And it's basically a power fist! With concussive and Force added to them. so a Force Fist...
unfortunately this means its unwieldy. It has its ups and downs, first off the librarian will now hit at strength 8, instant-deathing toughness 4 models and ignoring armour because of ap2. But since Force lets you (for a Psychic test) get Instant-death attacks anyway it's pretty mute. Good if you expect to be hitting vehicles I suppose.
Next up is the Axe of Medusa. Now this one I like a lot more. it's basically your average power axe, but with +2 strenght instead of +1, master-crafted and the real kicker is that to hit rolls of 6 are +4 instead of +2
as a none specialist weapon, carrying a pistol will net the wearer an extra attack as well, so it's best used on a chapter master or captain. 25 points so it's the same cost as a power fist, and will sometimes hit at the same strength, personally I think it wins out because of the master-crafted and an additional attack.
The Ironstone us a neat item that has a 6" boost to vehicles and walkers IWND rolls, allowing them to pass on a 4+. 6's repair weapon destroyed or immobilised as well. 30 pts is a little steep so you better keep quite a few tanks/walkers in range of it to be worth it. Obviously best on a master of the forge sitting in a vehicle in the centre of your army. Sitting him in a Landraider could be quite nasty as he can also repair it on your turn before the IWND rolls.
Betrayer's bane is a weapon I think many mistook for just a combi-meltagun with mastercrafted.
This is not quite the case! It is more of a bolter with a normal meltagun attached. It can be fired as either as many times as you can get the chance. Since it's a master crafted meltagun it might also be a good idea to give whomever you equip this with Digital weapons, allowing a re-roll on its to wound roll as well.
This makes it highly likely to pen a vehicle, and we all know what happens to vehicles who get pen'd by a melta... It is 25 points though, so it might be a bit steep. But with digital weapons it could be quite worth it!
The Gorgon's Chain. I've already covered this in a previous post. Take it on a chapter master/captain if you intend to tank wounds and win challenges! 45 points and I'd argue its way cheesier than the Shield Eternal. And cooler as it at least gets worse when you do lose wounds. (and then it gets better again if you pass your IWND).
The Tempered helm is mainly for buffing ranged damage dealers. at 35 points I think it's a bit expensive for what it does. it has a 24" bubble that lets units use the wielders Ls on morale and pinning tests, it's not super useful because space marines aren't really lacking in good Ls. the other ability is probably the main reason to get this helmet. on each friendly shooting phase the wielder can nominate a unit within 12" to reroll all 1´s on their to hit rolls. Might be nice on a master of the forge with a conversion beamer sitting in a devestator squad, altough that's a lot of points. can also be effective with a character supporting a unit of sternguards, as you really want these guys to hit home with their special ammo, also it should save them from gets hot with their vengeance rounds.
All in all I'd say the Gorgon's chain is easily the most powerful item from the gifts of the gorgon, but I really like the Axe of medusa and I think you can have some fun with the Betrayer's bane and Tempered helmet as well.
söndag 16 februari 2014
lördag 15 februari 2014
1700 pts Iron hands Vs. Tyranids
played a 1700 pts game against Anders 'new' Nids outside of the local tournament.
Mission was The Emperors will, long sides deployment (dawn of war?)
My list was almost my usual one with 10 tactical marines, 5 snipers scouts with a ML+flakk, 3 attack bikes (all heavy bolters now), 3 Centurion Devestators with 2 Grav-cannons, a TL-lascannon and all missile launchers + the Omniscope
Chapter master with Chains of the Gorgon, plasma pistol and a thunder hammer, 5 Honour guards with chapter banner, power swords and one power axe. In a Razorback with storm bolter and TL-heavy flamer, another 10 man tactical squad with plasma cannon & plasma gun. And lastly a stormtalon gunship with the heavy 2 s8 ap3 shot weapon (thunderstrike?)
The nids consisted of 30 termagaunts, 2 Zoanthropes, 1 Venomthrope
2 Carnifexes (as one brood, with TL-devourers)
one Tervigon, a Foot-slogging hive tyrant and one flying with TL-devourers
An Exocrine and 3 hive guard.
Tyranids got first turn, I think night fighting was on. one of the Zoans hit the scouts with The Terror psychic power and managed to pin them
he then basically just moved up, his flying Hive tyrant shooting at my scouts
(because they have the flakk ML)
despite being in area terrain, gone to ground and having camo cloaks
he managed to kill all but two Scouts with his Twin-linked Devourers
Luckily for me, he had placed his other Zoanthrope a bit off and it could not see the Razorback
The Ironclad Dreadbert dropped behind enemy lines and fired all his weaponry into the venomthrope, because if I could bring it down, it would be way easier to take out the rest of the Tyranids. It however failed to kill it, leaving it with one wound, as well as getting a few hits in on the carnifexes and termagaunts with the heavy flamer, killing two termagaunts. the Drop pod fired its Deathwind launcher, hitting the carnifexes and tervigon, I think it managed to make a wound on one Carnifex. In my opinion 15 points for a s5 large blast is quite worth it if you expect to drop in close to massed infantry.
My attack bikes fired at the flying hive tyrant to try and bring it down, but failed to do so. The two remaining, and pinned, scouts shot at it as well (with snap shots, they might as well), but failed to hit it.
my plasma toting tactical squad moved up behind the razorback, with some covering fire coming from the heavy bolter on the first tactical squad.
The Centurions fired at the Exocrine, because I needed this beast dead! An Ap2 large blast hitting my honour guard? No thank you!
They felled the monsterous creature with combined missile launchers, grav-cannnons and the TL-lascannons.
One less to worry about!
The Nids once again surged forwards, the Zoanthrope (nicknamed Zoey) blew up the razorback this time, leaving a crater full of honour guard, and the chapter master took a wound! but rather him than killing off an honour guard.
the two Carnifexes charged the Ironclad, taking wounds from its massive melee weapons and heavy flamer on overwatch, but succeeding in blowing it up. The Tervigon charged the Drop pod and turned it into scrap.
the Flying hive tyrant murderized the scouts with 11 hits from the TL-Devourers.
My honour guard nudged into the cover of the rocks, making sure to still protect the chapter master
who called down an orbital bombardment but it scattered way off target and hit nothing.
The attack bikes moved up to get line of sight on a Zoanthrope on the left flank, and managed to take it out.
The Centurions took out Zoey, the Other Zoanthrope. Ridding me of their pesky psychic powers.
The Stormtalon came in and I made the tactical error of moving it way too close to the Flying hive tyrant,
the TL-Devourers only having a range of 18" against the Stormtalons 48".
Tactical error aside the Stormtalon opened fire with its Twin-linked autocannon and typhoon missile launcher. Unfortunately, not only did the Hive tyrant survive, it wasn't even grounded!
Once again the Tyranids moved up, theTervigon hiding the venomthrope behind it and the gaunts screening the advance.
The Flying hive tyrant moved towards the table edge, and then shot the stormtalon out of the sky by glancing off its two hull points!
the carnifexes opened fire on the tactical squad with plasmas and took out a few of them with the help of the hive guard.
The Hive tyrant (on foot) tried to charge the attack bikes that I had moved up too far, but instead failed his charge distance and managed to instead take a wound from overwatch!
on my turn I moved the honour guard up and debated for awhile wether to charge the Tervigon but suffer terrain hindrance and fight at initiative 1 (against a creature with ap2...) or tarpit myself in the termagaunts.
I chose the latter and charged into them, slaying somewhere around 15 of them in a single go while only losing my honour guard champion. Then we remembered that he had cast the feel no pain on his gaunts and he saved 10! altough we forgot that some of those should not have gotten FNP from the wounds caused by my chapter masters thunder hammer.
the attack bikes moved back, away from the Hive tyrant. My centurions moved up and shot at the tervigon, putting some wounds on it.
when the gaunts piled in they completely surrounded the chapter master and his honour guard, thus denying the tervigon and carnifexes from charging in, so they instead moved towards my objective, the carnifexes and hive guard shooting at the tactical squad again, leaving only two standing! who failed their morale test and almost ran off the board.
on my turn the combined fire of the centurions, tactical squad and attack bikes, killed of the carnifexes and the tervigon, and at that point Anders conceded and it was gg!
I have a concern that the venomthrope, while being amazeballs, sometimes seem to almost hold the tyranids back, being a crutch almost as many units in the Tyranid army need to get across the board and into melee, but it's kind of hard to move fast and keep in range of the shrouded at the same time. Oh wel, just a thought (and having multiple venomthropes should fix that I think)
battle report,
Iron hands,
space marine,
space marines,
fredag 7 februari 2014
Honour guard or Assault Centurions?
So, today someone on Dakka dakka suggested Centurions to accompany a chapter master, giving him slow and purposeful so he can get out and use that Orbital bombardment without standing still for a turn (because of Ordnance, something I had missed. I also missed that barrage gives pinning).
So I started looking at Centurion Assault squads.
My original intent was to increase the number of honour guard to ten and bring them and the Chapter master in a Land raider Redeemer wich has a transport capacity of 12. Maybe fit a master of the forge in there too with the Clan Raukaan Ironstone (so the Land raider will pass its IWND on 4+).
But now it's leaning towards 5 Assault Centurions, exchanging their ironclad assault launchers for hurricane bolters (for free). They'd have to take the Land raider crusader because it has a transport capacity of 16. Centurions being Very bulky thus one of them counts as three models. This leaves no room for the master of the forge though.
To break it down, in close combat a single honour guard has three attacks ws4 ap3 (if they use power swords). axes brings them to s5 ap2 but are unwieldy so they'd hit at initiative 1... So lets say they have power swords.
10 honour guard in other words have 30 attacks, 40 on the charge and a stunning 50 with the chapter banner. They are about 25 points cheaper with the banner than 5 Assault Centurions.
lets say they are attacking an opponent unit with ws4, t4.
with 30 attacks, about 15 hit (50/50 chance) and roughly half of those gets through. if the enemy has a 3+ save or worse they are toast. if they have 2+ and/or a higher toughness it will go downhill fast for the honour guard.
but 50 attacks ap3 is nothing short of crazy. though against tough opponents or opponents with 2+ armour it wound look as badass at the end of it all. if half of those attacks hit home, it's down to 25, and half of that again is around 12-13 wounds. if the enemy is toughness 4. even fewer wounds if they are toughness 5 or 6.
And lets be frank, whatever my finest warriors is up against won't be (shouldn't be) lowly cannon fodder. preferably they will be up against my opponents elite units and they will likely have either really good saves or high as hell stat lines. This is where I think Assault centurions will fare a bit better even though they don't even come close in the number of attacks. their attacks are reliable when they hit home, and only invulnerable saves can stop them.
The Centurions on the other hand only have two attacks each. one base and an extra because they have two siege drills. on the other hand these are s9, ap2 attacks (with armourbane so bye bye vehicles).
They also have toughness 5, the same save as an honour guard (2+) and two wounds each. so in total these two units have the same amount of wounds, but the Centurions are a bit more resilent due to t5.
5 Assault centurions have 10 attacks in total, 15 on the charge.
against the same enemy they'd hit with about half (ws4 vs ws4 here too). so 5 hits. strenght 9 hits though so anything t4 or less is insta-killed. and pretty much wounding everything else on a 2+ or 3+. meaning 4-5 wounds. These are ap2 so the enemy has to survive on having at least toughness 5 and/or an invuln save.
so, fewer wounds but more likely to get through. Another strength is that because they are two wounds each and a bit more durable, they won't lose as many attacks when they take unsaved wounds compared to the honour guard who will lose 3 base attacks per unsaved wound. So if lets say 3 honour guard fall the next round of combat will be more grim for them, because 3 wounds on the centurions is still only one model lost.
I'd also like to point out as an Iron hands player that the Centurion Sergeant gets IWND due to being a character, something that I think is easily missed! Also Centurions are a bit more likely to get to take their 6+ FNP due to higher toughness (not as much that can instant-death them), it's not much but it's something!
So, they honour guards put more wounds on enemy units? Not before the assault that's for sure (which might be good, but considering you're charging out of a land raider you can afford to get super-safe-to-charge-close). 10 honour guard on the charge means 10 bolt pistol shots. bs4 s4 ap5 shots. around 7 of these will hit, half of those will fail to wound against t4, most units will get to save against them.
Assault Centurions with hurricane bolters put out 3 shots each. 6 because they'll easily be in rapid fire range. that's 30 shots instead of 10. and they are twin linked so maybe about one will miss. lets say they all hit (with my rolling they won't), half of those will fail to wound, leaving around 15 wounds, instead of 3-4.
But that's not the end of that shooting. each Centurion have a twin-linked flamer as well (or a TL-meltagun if you so want) in the case of the flamers that should be a nice amount of hits, with rerolls to wound!
with meltaguns on all of them, being twin linked they should hit home, maybe missing at the most 1 or 2 shots. meltaguns being s8 is really good, and ap1. As we're expecting them to attack really hard as nails enemies that might be preferable.
The biggest danger here might be wiping the enemy unit in shooting, or whittling them down so you miss the charge, or kill them in one turn of combat, and that leaves you standing there for the enemy to shoot at them. But that last part should happen sooner or later anyway, and then you're better off being almost unscathed when it happens than emerging from a brutal melee. Plus if you finnish something off in one turn you can continue the rampage that much sooner!
Honour guard wins out in number of attacks in melee, but Centurions have quality here as well as whooping out a lot of shots before the assault and I think that evens it out quite a bit. 30 bolter shots, twin linked, that could fell quite a few enemies even if they have a 3+ save. The only drawback is slow and purposeful not allowing them to overwatch should the charge fail or another enemy unit charge them after they've dealt with the first one. Their move after a close combat should be to get back into the Land Raider until it's time for them to charge again.
So I started looking at Centurion Assault squads.
My original intent was to increase the number of honour guard to ten and bring them and the Chapter master in a Land raider Redeemer wich has a transport capacity of 12. Maybe fit a master of the forge in there too with the Clan Raukaan Ironstone (so the Land raider will pass its IWND on 4+).
But now it's leaning towards 5 Assault Centurions, exchanging their ironclad assault launchers for hurricane bolters (for free). They'd have to take the Land raider crusader because it has a transport capacity of 16. Centurions being Very bulky thus one of them counts as three models. This leaves no room for the master of the forge though.
To break it down, in close combat a single honour guard has three attacks ws4 ap3 (if they use power swords). axes brings them to s5 ap2 but are unwieldy so they'd hit at initiative 1... So lets say they have power swords.
10 honour guard in other words have 30 attacks, 40 on the charge and a stunning 50 with the chapter banner. They are about 25 points cheaper with the banner than 5 Assault Centurions.
lets say they are attacking an opponent unit with ws4, t4.
with 30 attacks, about 15 hit (50/50 chance) and roughly half of those gets through. if the enemy has a 3+ save or worse they are toast. if they have 2+ and/or a higher toughness it will go downhill fast for the honour guard.
but 50 attacks ap3 is nothing short of crazy. though against tough opponents or opponents with 2+ armour it wound look as badass at the end of it all. if half of those attacks hit home, it's down to 25, and half of that again is around 12-13 wounds. if the enemy is toughness 4. even fewer wounds if they are toughness 5 or 6.
And lets be frank, whatever my finest warriors is up against won't be (shouldn't be) lowly cannon fodder. preferably they will be up against my opponents elite units and they will likely have either really good saves or high as hell stat lines. This is where I think Assault centurions will fare a bit better even though they don't even come close in the number of attacks. their attacks are reliable when they hit home, and only invulnerable saves can stop them.
The Centurions on the other hand only have two attacks each. one base and an extra because they have two siege drills. on the other hand these are s9, ap2 attacks (with armourbane so bye bye vehicles).
They also have toughness 5, the same save as an honour guard (2+) and two wounds each. so in total these two units have the same amount of wounds, but the Centurions are a bit more resilent due to t5.
5 Assault centurions have 10 attacks in total, 15 on the charge.
against the same enemy they'd hit with about half (ws4 vs ws4 here too). so 5 hits. strenght 9 hits though so anything t4 or less is insta-killed. and pretty much wounding everything else on a 2+ or 3+. meaning 4-5 wounds. These are ap2 so the enemy has to survive on having at least toughness 5 and/or an invuln save.
so, fewer wounds but more likely to get through. Another strength is that because they are two wounds each and a bit more durable, they won't lose as many attacks when they take unsaved wounds compared to the honour guard who will lose 3 base attacks per unsaved wound. So if lets say 3 honour guard fall the next round of combat will be more grim for them, because 3 wounds on the centurions is still only one model lost.
I'd also like to point out as an Iron hands player that the Centurion Sergeant gets IWND due to being a character, something that I think is easily missed! Also Centurions are a bit more likely to get to take their 6+ FNP due to higher toughness (not as much that can instant-death them), it's not much but it's something!
So, they honour guards put more wounds on enemy units? Not before the assault that's for sure (which might be good, but considering you're charging out of a land raider you can afford to get super-safe-to-charge-close). 10 honour guard on the charge means 10 bolt pistol shots. bs4 s4 ap5 shots. around 7 of these will hit, half of those will fail to wound against t4, most units will get to save against them.
Assault Centurions with hurricane bolters put out 3 shots each. 6 because they'll easily be in rapid fire range. that's 30 shots instead of 10. and they are twin linked so maybe about one will miss. lets say they all hit (with my rolling they won't), half of those will fail to wound, leaving around 15 wounds, instead of 3-4.
But that's not the end of that shooting. each Centurion have a twin-linked flamer as well (or a TL-meltagun if you so want) in the case of the flamers that should be a nice amount of hits, with rerolls to wound!
with meltaguns on all of them, being twin linked they should hit home, maybe missing at the most 1 or 2 shots. meltaguns being s8 is really good, and ap1. As we're expecting them to attack really hard as nails enemies that might be preferable.
The biggest danger here might be wiping the enemy unit in shooting, or whittling them down so you miss the charge, or kill them in one turn of combat, and that leaves you standing there for the enemy to shoot at them. But that last part should happen sooner or later anyway, and then you're better off being almost unscathed when it happens than emerging from a brutal melee. Plus if you finnish something off in one turn you can continue the rampage that much sooner!
Honour guard wins out in number of attacks in melee, but Centurions have quality here as well as whooping out a lot of shots before the assault and I think that evens it out quite a bit. 30 bolter shots, twin linked, that could fell quite a few enemies even if they have a 3+ save. The only drawback is slow and purposeful not allowing them to overwatch should the charge fail or another enemy unit charge them after they've dealt with the first one. Their move after a close combat should be to get back into the Land Raider until it's time for them to charge again.
Video! Dawn of war 2: The Last stand!
Me and my mates play Dawn of war 2's Last stand. Another amazing "horde mode", but in an rts!
I love DoW2, it's a unique rts that really suits how 40k feels without being an exact clone of the tabletop game.
Video! Space Marine - Exterminatus!
I realized I had two 40k Related videos on my Youtube project <-
So here's the first one. It's from the third person action game Space Marine. where I play Exterminatus with some random internet folks. It's a such a good game mode, too bad it wasn't extended but rumour has it Bioware has the rights for the Space Marine IP and their "horde mode" in Mass effect 3 was amazing so here's hoping!
lets play,
space marine,
torsdag 6 februari 2014
Iron Hands vs. Ultramarines 1500 pts picture batrep
Tried out a bit of a different list against a guy named Andreas and his Ultramarines. I think the mission was either Crusade or The Emperors will. it was 3 Objectives in total anyway.
at 1500 pts I brought my chapter master with the axe of medusa, 5 honour guard in a razorback with a TL-lascannon.
My centurions, but without the Omniscope this time due to point constraints.
left my attack bikes at home and brought a Master of the forge with the Conversion beamer and another 10 man tactical squad with plasmagun, plasma cannon and a sgt. with a plasma pistol. I forgot I had the plasma cannon for half the battle as it was proxied with a multimelta.
My scouts got camo cloaks this time! (4 snipers and a missile launcher)
my first tactical squad, armed with a heavy bolter and a meltagun got to take the drop pod, and Dreadbert got to footslog it this time, trading his power fist for a hurricane bolter (don't ever do that... Hurricane bolters are the worst, heck, they would be better of as just being 6 bolters instead of three Twin linked bolters).
I was up against 2 rhinos with 2 ten man tactical squads, 5 scouts with bolters,
a dreadnought, a razorback with a command squad with an apothecary accompanied by Chaplain Cassius!
A thunderfire cannon, a predator and a drop pod with ten Sternguard veterans. as well as a devestator squad with assorted heavy weapons. All in all a pretty decently standard SM army, with some nasty surprises in the form of Cassius and ten Sternguards. Way better balanced than mine, but on the other hand I think Andreas has a total of 5000 pts to choose from (awesome!)
Andreas got first turn but I managed to sieze the initiative. But night fighting was on, and I placed my centurions os far back that they could not actually reach anything else but a 5.
I drove up my Razorback in behind a building for LoS blocking cover. Drop podded my tactical squad to try and take out his Thunderfire cannon.
I managed to put one wound on it with, My other tactical squad tried to shoot out the scouts in a nearby ruin, but they went to ground and made all their cover saves. then my sniper scouts, centurions and ironclad dread shot at them as well and managed to do nothing! my first turn of shooting squandered on trying to kill five scouts, and I didn't even get one of them!
My Razorback shot at his razorback, but he managed to save himself with the stealth 6+ cover due to night fighting! Lucky!
If only I had placed my Centurions a bith farther up, they could have shot at the Predator tank and probably killed it. And if only I had not decided it would be fun to try and drop pod the tactical marines instead of Dreadbert I probably would have gotten first blood.
He moved his razorback towards mine for an upcoming epic showdown between cassius and my chapter master, he did however manage to blow up my Razorback. I think his predator shot at my scouts but didn't do any damage. He moved one of his Rhinos up against my drop podded tactical squad, and the other took position on his opposite flank next to an objective.
His thunderfire cannon tried to shoot my drop podded tactical squad but failed to get a good hit in.
My tactical squad that landed via drop pod charged the Thunderfire cannon to stop it from shooting. killing it and then regrouping (not the correct term) 6 inches so they pretty much just walked back from where they came, hoping to claim some cover.
the missile thingy on the drop pod scattered a bit and hit one of my guys and one of his but it didn't kill any model.
my chapter master and honour guards moved up, couldn't really fire at anything of worth so they shot at the scouts, but again failed to kill any of them.
as did my dreadbert. the tactical squad in my central area fired at the damn Sternguard with their plasma cannon and the master of the forge's Conversion beam, killing 4 of them. the Scouts, being super close to the sternguard and probably dead meat due to this, fired at the sternguard but failed to do anything.
Cassius and his command squad disembarked and opened fire on the honour guard, with the help of the razorback they put down 2 out of the 5 guards.
Then the bloody scouts fired, and put 3 wounds on the honour guard, and I rolled three 1's!
Now it was only my Chapter Master left standing (deja vu)...
Now it was only my Chapter Master left standing (deja vu)...
His tactical squad shot at my squad that killed the thunderfire cannon, and killed a few.
And then my tactical squad fired back and killed a few as well. Dakkamarathon!
His sternguard wiped out the scouts with the help of the Predator.
on my turn I moved the Chapter master up, charged the command squad and killed their sergeant (the poor fella' has to issue/accept challenges).
my central tactical squad tried to shoot the sternguards but failed to do much damage and that's about it.
Cassius then challenged my Chapter master and managed to put a wound on him, but cassius only had one wound left after that.
Can't really remember what happened after at this point except that Cassius died, the dreadnought charged in and the chapter master IWND his wounds back, killed all but the apothecary in the command squad and then the game ended at turn 5. And I lost 4-1
He got first blood, 3 pts for his objective and I got slay the warlord.
For the Emperor (x2 in this batrep).
Iron Hand,
Iron hands,
space marines,
onsdag 5 februari 2014
New ideas for an Iron hands 3k wishlist!
Did I say I was gonna change my mind a few times? I sure did!
New ideas.
10 honour guard instead of 5, riding in a Land Raider redeemer (the one with flamers). it can hold both the honour guard and Chapter master and a Master of the forge, who I will give the Ironstone making the Land raider pass IWND's on a 4+
The Land Raider is heavily armoured and armed, as well as being an assault vehicle. Meaning my melee masters can get out and charge the enemy when the LR is close, for maximum protection. Also 10 honour guards instead of 5 means they will stick around even longer, even if I roll a lot of 1's...
Also the Redeemer is 10 pts cheaper than the other Raiders, not having the TL-lascannons of the original Raider, but instead two ap3 s6 flamers. those 10 pts will be spent on a multimelta as well. So it can certainly pop vehicles as it gets in there!
I would probably have chosen the Lascannon Land Raider but it only has a transport capacity of 10. Meaning I can't take a full honour guard squad if I want to bring my Chapter Master along, or the Master of the forge. Most of the time the Master of the forge will probably stay in the vehicle to keep it alive (being able to repair it on top of boosting its It will not die roll should be worth it!), but in more of a crisis that dude can certainly hop out and help in close combat as well!
I've scrapped the idea of a librarian and assault marines, as well as the command squad. My army needs to be more about firepower. I've also dropped the two extra dreads for two Whirlwind tanks to barrage/ordnance bomb my enemies with s5 large blasts. 65 pts each instead of over a 100 pts for a dread and they don't even require line of sight to fire, which means I can hide them behind stuff in my deployment zone.
freeing up a lot of points lets me take two rhinos for my tactical squads, and since my Chapter master is chillaxing in a Land Raider at this points value I'll get 5-6 Sternguard veterans to ride in the Razorback I got, they can drive up and put some pressure on the enemy with the TL-Lascannon and they sternguards special ammo.
also 5 scouts in a land speeder storm should be good to protect from deep striking units, last game (not posted yet!) my Centurions bit the dust due to a deep striking unit getting the upper hand on them.
That makes this list pretty vehicle heavy (at least for being a list from me) with 2 Rhinos, a Razorback, 2 Whirlwinds, a Land speeder Storm, a drop podded Ironclad Dreadnought, Stormtalon gunship and the moving fortress of a Land Raider Redeemer.
Still want more dreads though. and about everything else in the damn codex xD
New ideas.
10 honour guard instead of 5, riding in a Land Raider redeemer (the one with flamers). it can hold both the honour guard and Chapter master and a Master of the forge, who I will give the Ironstone making the Land raider pass IWND's on a 4+
The Land Raider is heavily armoured and armed, as well as being an assault vehicle. Meaning my melee masters can get out and charge the enemy when the LR is close, for maximum protection. Also 10 honour guards instead of 5 means they will stick around even longer, even if I roll a lot of 1's...
Also the Redeemer is 10 pts cheaper than the other Raiders, not having the TL-lascannons of the original Raider, but instead two ap3 s6 flamers. those 10 pts will be spent on a multimelta as well. So it can certainly pop vehicles as it gets in there!
I would probably have chosen the Lascannon Land Raider but it only has a transport capacity of 10. Meaning I can't take a full honour guard squad if I want to bring my Chapter Master along, or the Master of the forge. Most of the time the Master of the forge will probably stay in the vehicle to keep it alive (being able to repair it on top of boosting its It will not die roll should be worth it!), but in more of a crisis that dude can certainly hop out and help in close combat as well!
I've scrapped the idea of a librarian and assault marines, as well as the command squad. My army needs to be more about firepower. I've also dropped the two extra dreads for two Whirlwind tanks to barrage/ordnance bomb my enemies with s5 large blasts. 65 pts each instead of over a 100 pts for a dread and they don't even require line of sight to fire, which means I can hide them behind stuff in my deployment zone.
freeing up a lot of points lets me take two rhinos for my tactical squads, and since my Chapter master is chillaxing in a Land Raider at this points value I'll get 5-6 Sternguard veterans to ride in the Razorback I got, they can drive up and put some pressure on the enemy with the TL-Lascannon and they sternguards special ammo.
also 5 scouts in a land speeder storm should be good to protect from deep striking units, last game (not posted yet!) my Centurions bit the dust due to a deep striking unit getting the upper hand on them.
That makes this list pretty vehicle heavy (at least for being a list from me) with 2 Rhinos, a Razorback, 2 Whirlwinds, a Land speeder Storm, a drop podded Ironclad Dreadnought, Stormtalon gunship and the moving fortress of a Land Raider Redeemer.
Still want more dreads though. and about everything else in the damn codex xD
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