fredag 29 november 2013

Another set of 2 Infinity games!

 Anders and I played two games of Infinity at his place, 200 pts. same armies as last time.

1st game I got killed pretty good. despite being more clear on the rules for drop troops they stilled kicked a lot of ass.

my AP HMG managed to ARO (basically react to his move) and down his HMG as it was moving to a new position in the ruins.

My AP rifle Moblot took out a drop troop that scattered into his LoF (line of fire)
but was later put out when he tried to dash past another drop troop that had a HMG

The second game I actually won. Thanks to careful placement of my troops, making sure they covered every angle to prevent drop troops. My Scout placing some anti-personell mines to block of the Knight coming in and assist the drop troops. But it was still pretty close at the end, with only my leuitenant and his Knight left, luckily I got im in an ARO after failing to shoot him dead in my own turn.

Sorry this was a bit haphazardly as I can't quite remember what happened in what game (including from last time!)

Glory to Ariadna!

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