Trying out some 1250 pts lists for an upcoming tournament, I brought my Iron Hands:
5 Honour guard, 4 with power swords and 1 power axe + the Chapter banner (giving re-rolls to morale/pinning tests as well as +1 attack).
10 Tactical marines, flamer, heavy bolter and a combi-flamer for the sarge.
3 Attack bikes with Heavy Bolters
A drop pod with an Ironclad Dreadnought
3 Centurions with 2 Grav-cannons and the sarge had a Twin linked Lascannon and an Omniscope. all three had missiles launchers as well.
5 Honour guard, 4 with power swords and 1 power axe + the Chapter banner (giving re-rolls to morale/pinning tests as well as +1 attack).
10 Tactical marines, flamer, heavy bolter and a combi-flamer for the sarge.
3 Attack bikes with Heavy Bolters
A drop pod with an Ironclad Dreadnought
3 Centurions with 2 Grav-cannons and the sarge had a Twin linked Lascannon and an Omniscope. all three had missiles launchers as well.
The Nids had about the same list as in previous battles (Tervigon, Flying Hive tyrant, termagaunts & hormogaunts, hive guard etc) But this time no genestealers, and instead 3 warriors, one with a corrisve blast weapon of some kind. a Trygon as well.

the game was Big guns never tire with Dawn of war as a deployment. Night fighting was on first turn.
I got first turn and dropped the Dread right behind the Tervigon, shooting off two wounds out of six directly!
My Chapter master tried to call in an Orbital bomardment on the clumped up Termagaunts and warriors but it scattered and nearly hit the drop pod!
Anders was not aware that Chapter masters had this ability, so maybe it was for the best that it missed.
My Chapter master tried to call in an Orbital bomardment on the clumped up Termagaunts and warriors but it scattered and nearly hit the drop pod!
Anders was not aware that Chapter masters had this ability, so maybe it was for the best that it missed.
The Centurions, having night vision thanks to the Omniscope, shot of a lascannon at the warriors, causing one to die outright (instant death due to the high strength of the lascannon). Though the Grav cannons were out of range because they had moved, and I forgot to fire all three missiles launchers.
The scouts moved out of the ruins to get a better view of the oncoming enemy.
The tactical marines, deployed on the right flank, did likewise and moved towards an objective with the Attack bikes moving up and putting some fire on the hormogaunts.
The tactical marines, deployed on the right flank, did likewise and moved towards an objective with the Attack bikes moving up and putting some fire on the hormogaunts.
The Tyranids mostly advanced up, the flying hive tyrant was indeed not flying this game but he nevertheless made his way towards my lines, hidden (for now) behind the bastion.
the warriors fired and managed to kill a single Honour guard, failing his 2+ save and his Feel no pain as he threw himself infront of their sargeant to save him.
The tervigon charged the Dreadnought, opting to use a smash attack instead of using all of its normal attacks, he actually penetrated the armor, clipping of the Dreads Power fist! (we did an error here and had them both attack at the same time, my dread was really supposed to go first but it didn't matter really)
In return the Dread took another two wounds from the Monsterous creature! 1 left!
In return the Dread took another two wounds from the Monsterous creature! 1 left!
On my 2nd turn the Honour guard moved up to take some cover behind the bastion, awaiting the inevitable charge of the Tyranid swarms. My Centurions split their fire as one of them could see the Hive tyrant. Firing 5 shots with its Grav cannon, hitting with all of them it then failed to wound with all shots (needing 3 or higher to succeed!), the grav amps that the cannons get allows them to reroll to wound though.
But alas! I agian rolled 5 dice all under 3, so not a single shot wounded! I then remembered his missile launcher, fired it and hit. but again failed and I needed a 2+ this time! What the hell man?
The other two centurions killed off the warriors, not having the same bad luck as their comrade.
On the right flank the Attack bikes and tactical marines decimated the hormogaunts down to a single model who scurried off after facing all that firepower.
The fight between the Tervigon and the Dread continued, but at this point someone had pointed out that Dreads ignore the Unwieldy rule of weapons so he got to strike first, one less attack though since he had lost an arm. But he still managed to strike the Tyranid down. My Ironclad Dreadnought is somewhat of a champion by now!
Turn 2 for the Tyranids saw the Hive tyrant moving around the bastion to fire 12 rerollable shots at the Honour guard, getting almost all of them to wound I then made all but two armour saves, but Iron Hands having a 6+ Feel no pain (an extra 'save' basically), I actually rolled two sixes! So no Honour guard fell to the shooting. The Hive tyrant wasn't done however and charged them, Apperantly monsterous creatures, due their Smash ability, always have ap2 (meaing they ignore up to 2+ armour saves!). My Chapter master went first however but failed to wound the damn beast (I did forget the extra attack from the Chapter banner, do'h). The foul xenos then easily slaughtered all but one Honour guard and the chapter master.
I failed their morale test and they fell back, towards the Centurions.
I failed their morale test and they fell back, towards the Centurions.
the Hive guard managed to put another hole in the Dreadnought, resulting in a crew shaken result.
The Trygon however failed to appear, luckily for me I felt. Even though it was looking pretty dark for the Tyranids at this point. Having lost the warriors, tervigon and the hormogaunts while I had only lost most of the honour guard.
Turn 3 for me meant opening fire on that damn Hive tyrant with the centurions, putting 10 Grav cannon shots, 1 lascannon and 3 missiles into him. Killing him outright. These guys can really hunt Monsterous creatures, holy Emprah!
The scouts did their best and shot at the termagaunts, killing one despite having a missile launcher and 4 sniper rifles.
The Attack bikes moved up, targets set on the Hive guards, while the Tactical Marines secured their objective.
The Attack bikes moved up, targets set on the Hive guards, while the Tactical Marines secured their objective.
On Tyranid turn 3 the Trygon still didn't arrive! Things were looking grim indeed for the Tyranids as to add some icing on the cake the Hive guard failed to take away the Dreads last Hull point too.
The Termagaunts surged back into the ruin to claim the objective there, as we realized the Hive guard, standing on the third and last objective, couldn't score points from it as they aren't a scoring unit type!
Turn 4 had the Centurions and snipers shoot at the termagaunts to no great effect, because like a total dummy I forgot the three missiles launchers the Centurions had, I could have fired a total of 4 small blast missiles into that horde of xenos!
Not that it mattered as the Dreadnought charged and killed three of them, they in return being unable to hurt the metalclad champion opted to flee, to let the Hive guard try and shoot it down instead.
The Attack bikes tried to do something about the Hive guard but only managed to do a single wound on them.
Tyranid turn 4 finally saw the Trygon appear, but as you can't charge out of a deepstrike it just sort of stood there for a turn, making its shooting attack but failing to kill any of the Marines.
the Hormogaunts failed to recover from fleeing from the Dreadnought but luckily stopped 2 inches away from the table edge, some luck there at least.
But again the poor Hive guard failed to kill the dreadnought! (even though I had forgot all game that he had It will not die so he could have regenerated back hull points!)
On my Turn five I lit up the Trygon with both the tactical squad and the Attack Bikes who swiveled around to face this new threat, I wouldn't be able to kill it but if I put enough wounds on it now I could perhaps stand a chance in the coming melee. I did actually manage to out 3 wounds on him, wich was more than we figured would happen.
The Dreadnought chased down the Termagaunts and eradicated the whole swarm, what an MVP!
I begun to move the Centurions towards the Trygon in case there would be more turns I hoped to be able to shoot it down if it chewed through the Tactical squad, the scouts moved up towards the ruins were the termagaunts had been to try and claim the objective there.
On the Tyranid turn 5 the Trygon charged the marines and killed all but three of them, and they managed to get another wound in using their grenades.
It turned out this was to be the last turn as the dice gods decided it wouldn't go on to turn 6.
Victory for the Iron hands!
It turned out this was to be the last turn as the dice gods decided it wouldn't go on to turn 6.
Victory for the Iron hands!
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