tisdag 4 mars 2014

My 1250 pts Tourney list for Clan Raukaan

Clan Forak of the Iron hands (clan Raukaan supplement) 

Chapter Master
Artificier armor 
Axe of Medusa 
Plasma pistol = 190 pts 

5 Honour guard 
chapter banner, 4 power swords, 1 power axe =160 

Ironclad Dreadnaught + Drop pod
2 Hunter-killer missiles
heavy flamer, meltagun = 200 

5 Scouts 
4 sniper rifles 
1 missile launcher with flakk = 84

10 Tactical Squad Space Marines 
Sergeant with grav pistol, chainsword, meltabombs 
1 Heavy bolter, 1 meltagun =180

3 Attack bikes 
2 Heavy Bolter, 1 multimelta = 145 

3 Devestator Centurions 
3 chest missile launchers 2 Grav cannons with grav-amp 
Centurion sergeant, Omniscope, Twin-linked Lascannon

As far as competetive lists go, I'm fairly sure this is the least competetive one ever. Or at least in our tourney.
The only real aces are the ironclad suicide drop, the foot-slogging chapter master, and the three devestator centurions...

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