torsdag 6 februari 2014

Iron Hands vs. Ultramarines 1500 pts picture batrep

Tried out a bit of a different list against a guy named Andreas and his Ultramarines. I think the mission was either Crusade or The Emperors will. it was 3 Objectives in total anyway.

at 1500 pts I brought my chapter master with the axe of medusa, 5 honour guard in a razorback with a TL-lascannon.
My centurions, but without the Omniscope this time due to point constraints.
left my attack bikes at home and brought a Master of the forge with the Conversion beamer and another 10 man tactical squad with plasmagun, plasma cannon and a sgt. with a plasma pistol. I forgot I had the plasma cannon for half the battle as it was proxied with a multimelta.
My scouts got camo cloaks this time! (4 snipers and a missile launcher)
my first tactical squad, armed with a heavy bolter and a meltagun got to take the drop pod, and Dreadbert got to footslog it this time, trading his power fist for a hurricane bolter (don't ever do that... Hurricane bolters are the worst, heck, they would be better of as just being 6 bolters instead of three Twin linked bolters).

I was up against 2 rhinos with 2 ten man tactical squads, 5 scouts with bolters,
a dreadnought, a razorback with a command squad with an apothecary accompanied by Chaplain Cassius!
A thunderfire cannon, a predator and a drop pod with ten Sternguard veterans. as well as a devestator squad with assorted heavy weapons. All in all a pretty decently standard SM army, with some nasty surprises in the form of Cassius and ten Sternguards. Way better balanced than mine, but on the other hand I think Andreas has a total of 5000 pts to choose from (awesome!)

Andreas got first turn but I managed to sieze the initiative. But night fighting was on, and I placed my centurions os far back that they could not actually reach anything else but a 5.

I drove up my Razorback in behind a building for LoS blocking cover.  Drop podded my tactical squad to try and take out his Thunderfire cannon.
I managed to put one wound on it with, My other tactical squad tried to shoot out the scouts in a nearby ruin, but they went to ground and made all their cover saves. then my sniper scouts, centurions and ironclad dread shot at them as well and managed to do nothing! my first turn of shooting squandered on trying to kill five scouts, and I didn't even get one of them!
My Razorback shot at his razorback, but he managed to save himself with the stealth 6+ cover due to night fighting!  Lucky!

If only I had placed my Centurions a bith farther up, they could have shot at the Predator tank and probably killed it. And if only I had not decided it would be fun to try and drop pod the tactical marines instead of Dreadbert I probably would have gotten first blood.

on his first turn he drop podded the Sternguard squad on my right flank, pretty close to my snipers but he was gunning for the Centurions. between the special ammo wounding on 2+ and his grav-gun he managed to kill all three of them, which was an incredible blow to my firepower so early in the game.

He moved his razorback towards mine for an upcoming epic showdown between cassius and my chapter master, he did however manage to blow up my Razorback. I think his predator shot at my scouts but didn't do any damage. He moved one of his Rhinos up against my drop podded tactical squad, and the other took position on his opposite flank next to an objective.

His thunderfire cannon tried to shoot my drop podded tactical squad but failed to get a good hit in.

My tactical squad that landed via drop pod charged the Thunderfire cannon to stop it from shooting. killing it and then regrouping (not the correct term) 6 inches so they pretty much just walked back from where they came, hoping to claim some cover.
the missile thingy on the drop pod scattered a bit and hit one of my guys and one of his but it didn't kill any model.

my chapter master and honour guards moved up, couldn't really fire at anything of worth so they shot at the scouts, but again failed to kill any of them. 
as did my dreadbert. the tactical squad in my central area fired at the damn Sternguard with their plasma cannon and the master of the forge's Conversion beam, killing 4 of them. the Scouts, being super close to the sternguard and probably dead meat due to this, fired at the sternguard but failed to do anything.

Cassius and his command squad disembarked and opened fire on the honour guard, with the help of the razorback they put down 2 out of the 5 guards. 
Then the bloody scouts fired, and put 3 wounds on the honour guard, and I rolled three 1's!
Now it was only my Chapter Master left standing (deja vu)...

His tactical squad shot at my squad that killed the thunderfire cannon, and killed a few.
And then my tactical squad fired back and killed a few as well. Dakkamarathon!
His sternguard wiped out the scouts with the help of the Predator.

on my turn I moved the Chapter master up, charged the command squad and killed their sergeant (the poor fella' has to issue/accept challenges). 

my central tactical squad tried to shoot the sternguards but failed to do much damage and that's about it.

Cassius then challenged my Chapter master and managed to put a wound on him, but cassius only had one wound left after that. 

Can't really remember what happened after at this point except that Cassius died, the dreadnought charged in and the chapter master IWND his wounds back, killed all but the apothecary in the command squad and then the game ended at turn 5.  And I lost 4-1
He got first blood, 3 pts for his objective and I got slay the warlord.

For the Emperor (x2 in this batrep).

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