First off, just something I've always wanted.
The Legion of the damned
Not only are these guys pretty darn badass, both the models and their backstory,
but they have pretty cool rules as well! Deep striking (that can reroll the scatter dice)
no cover saves against their weapons. 3+ invuln saves! And they even cause Fear.
So I initially want 6 of them, one multimelta, one plasmagun and a seargent with a plasma pistol and power axe. They are slow and purposeful meaning they can't run or overwatch, but they can fire heavy weapons while moving, meaning they can fire that multimelta right of the bat at full ballistic skill!
Next I do need a Razorback tank to transport my Chapter master and his Honour guard in to battle with.
they have no firepoints but as the only ranged weapon of worth on my warlord and his bodyguard is the Orbital bombardment they can just drop that when they get out. The biggest drawback might be that they can't charge after exiting the razorback, so they will probably get off a bit early, orbital bombard something and in the next turn move up and charge something, using the razorback as cover until that point.
(photoshopped for great justice!)
Then because I'm Iron hands and can take dreads in either Elite slots or Heavy...
3 Venerable dreadnoughts! ( I already got an Ironclad dread! )
altough I'm probably just gonna get 1 actual venerable dreadnought model and two 'ordinary' dreadnoughts
because the venerable kit doesn't come with missile launchers.
My loadout for them would be, 1 with dreadnought power fist (with a heavy flamer on) and an assault cannon.
the two others will have a missile launcher + plasma cannon each.
I will run the assaultcannon/powerfist one along with the razorback as an additional body guard for the Chapter master, blasting apart infantry and opening enemy transports for him and his Honour guard to deal with what's left.
The other two will hang around my tactical squad, providing long range fire support.
Speaking of my Tactical squad, they will be joined by a Techmarine, I actually want two techmarines, but I'm gonna custom make the other because I want him to fit on a bike.
But this first one will be on foot and accompany the tactical squad, so he can repair the two dreads if need be. and dish out some pain in close combat if anything gets too close.
I also want a Librarian, with a jump pack! Because he will join a unit of 10 Assault marines
these guys will have two flamers, the seargent two lightning claws so they can wipe out light infantry. This will be great for the Relic mission to clear the relic from hostile forces while my tactical marines move up to grab it.
the Librarian will also get psyker mastery level 2 and the mindforge stave (Raukaan supplement)
The Librarian allows me to bring a command squad, so that is what I will do.
these guys will go on bikes, have an apothecary for a 5+ feel no pain, and then 4 gravguns! Yikes!
the 2nd Techmarine (on a bike) will ride with these guys for some serius punching. plus they can swing around and repair vehicles if needed!
And theeeeen I want a Landspeed Storm for a 5 man scout squad to come in from reserves with.
I have 5 chaos cultists (the ones who have the gasmasks) that I'm thinking of converting to IH scouts.
these guys will swoop in and land on objectives at the later stages in the battle.
And they will be followed by a Stormtalon gunship no less! Just to clear the way for them and maybe give the opponent something bigger to worry about than lowly scouts!
Too bad he can't use the Escort craft rule on units that outflank because the Landspeeder storm Scout can do this, and it would have been glorious!
And that's my wishlist for 3000 pts right now. very low in troops perhaps. I should really get another tactical squad and maybe a Rhino or two but that's not fun when you can get all these badasses above here.
Also if I get another tactical squad I should really have to get another Iron hand tactical squad upgrade pack, and that makes them so much more expensive, wich makes it even less fun to buy tbh.
Hopefully one tactical squad and 2 scout (I have 5 sniper scouts already) squads should be enough, the dreads and other thing should keep the enemy busy, or you know.... Dead!
Another slight variant I might do is drop the bike techmarine and add 4 more Legion of the damned ...Legionnaries to that unit, bringing them up to 10
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